Which connection do I need to stream smoothly?
Hey, I want to become a streamer and would need a higher internet connection. Does anyone know how much I'd need to be able to stream 100% smoothly on Twitch? Thanks in advance for your answers. 😊🙏
Hey, I want to become a streamer and would need a higher internet connection. Does anyone know how much I'd need to be able to stream 100% smoothly on Twitch? Thanks in advance for your answers. 😊🙏
oder war das ein Werbe Gag ? Angeblich soll es die in Kevelaer geben und in der Gegend NRW.. Lakritz Cola klingt ja schonmal sehr interessant.. ich trinke auch gerne Schwarze Sau
Ich bestelle ab und an (also öfter) auch Nahrungsmittel und Getränke bei amazon. Sachen, die ich im Laden hier so nicht bekomme, die ich aber liebe … Gibt es Zeitpunkte, zu denen eine solche Bestellung für den Anbieter besonders gut ist? Wenn ich zum Beispiel Samstagnacht oder Sonntag bestelle, dann bekommen die es ja am…
Hello, Where can I rent a holiday home for my vacation that doesn't require a credit card (for the deposit). (Corfu – Greece)
Which provider can I get a cheap website from?
I have a website, programmed as usual with HTML, CSS and JS, and would like to publish it. However, there are a lot of providers out there, so I wanted to ask if anyone has a recommendation. Thanks Cs
Etsy offers a service. Costs under 30€. The provider's reviews are consistently good, but it can be seen that at least 15 out of 200 good reviews are from relatives and friends. It is noticeable that the provider has a very unusual surname in the imprint, which appears several times in the reviews with various…
Als bekannter Elektronik-“Bastler” bekomme ich oft von Bekannten gebrauchte Internet-Router. Also die Kisten, die man direkt ans Kabel (Telefon, “Antenne”, Glasfaser usw.) anhängt, und von wo man dann 1-4 RJ-45-Steck-Abgänge für LAN hat (plus meist noch einen WLAN-Router drin).Diese Router sind ja anbieterspezifisch, bzw. ihre ID muss vom Anbieter freigeschaltet sein. Wenn man das Abo…
Could gmx.at disappear from Austria, for example because there are too few Austrian customers or for whatever reason, or is it rather unlikely?
Which do you think is better and why? Please only answer if you know both!!!