I had a car accident that was my fault. Unfortunately, I gave the other party my insurance number, which was no longer current.

Was co-insured with my father. The workshop has exactly the same insurance number which is no longer current. Do I have to call both of them and notify them, or do the insurance company know what's going on? After all, I reported the accident with my name and license plate number. I also gave the…

If you are in no-claims class 2 and you have a traffic accident, can you be downgraded to Sf M?

Hello everyone, I was in a traffic accident in August. The damage to my vehicle amounts to €2,400. The other driver's damage is likely around €5,000-€6,000, as several areas were affected (doors, sills, fenders). It appears that both road users (other driver and me) are at fault. However, I am primarily at fault, as I…

Car insurance; Does the SF class drop even if you have an H license plate?

Hello, I'm currently looking into car insurance. If a classic car is insured, the insured pays considerably less than with regular insurance. Does the SF class also decrease if a vehicle with an H license plate is insured? After all, there are flat-rate contributions that have to be paid

Liability, partial insurance, fully comprehensive insurance?

Hellooo, I want to buy a used VW Golf Mk6 Cabriolet (2015) (174,000 km). My vehicle's warranty is at 50%. However, I'm not sure whether I absolutely need fully comprehensive insurance or if liability insurance is sufficient. Can anyone give me some advice on whether it's worth it? (I pay twice as much for fully…