What are your experiences with drops for glaucoma?

Hello, A good friend of mine has been diagnosed with this condition. She's now trying medication. The first drops prescribed by the doctor caused severe eye irritation – after just three days! The new medication isn't much better either. This time, it burns after a few minutes, and after taking it for 10 days, her…

Is the tonometer reliable?

From earlier times, I only know of eye pressure measurement using an apparatus where the chin is placed on it and the pressure is measured with an air puff (applanation tonometry?). What do you think about "simple" tonometers like the: https://www.portal-der-augenmedizin.de/upload/cache/width2048/uploads/media/c/a/augendruckmessen.jpg Doesn't it look like such a device can measure reliable data?

Augenschmerzen Ursache?

Hallo, es ist ist offensichtlich, dass hier nur vermutet werden kann. Dennoch würde es mich interessieren. Mein rechtes Auge ist betroffen. Es drückt und tut oben etwas weh. Ich trage nun eine Augenklappe um es vor Licht zu schützen. Beim Aufwachen war es ganz minimal verschleimt. Zwischendurch tropft es. Ich habe generell eine leichte Sehschwäche…