Do you also eat out of boredom?
Hi, I'm Leon, 15 years old, and I usually eat all day long…out of boredom. Chips, chocolate, and now cookies. Unfortunately, I've already gotten a big belly. But it just tastes so good. Do you do that too?
Hi, I'm Leon, 15 years old, and I usually eat all day long…out of boredom. Chips, chocolate, and now cookies. Unfortunately, I've already gotten a big belly. But it just tastes so good. Do you do that too?
Hi everyone, I'll ask again and hope for more answers. About 2 years ago, I weighed 86 kg and was 1.75 m tall, which was my heaviest weight so far. Back then, I actually felt pretty good, even though I was a bit overweight. At the beginning of the year, I lost 20 kg due…
Hiii, My mom talked to me today about my weight. She said she'd noticed it for a while, but she's only just saying something because it's over her limit and I'm just gaining weight. First of all, yes, it's true I've gained quite a bit of weight in the last year, but I don't know…
Bust: 107 cm Underbust: 92 cm Waist: 94 cm Belly: 106 cm Butt/Hips: 113 cm Thigh: 68 cm At 1.63cm
I haven't done much in the last two months. Now I've started to do a little. Is it already too much crap? I have included 3 pictures, 2 sitting and 1 standing, for orientation please give an honest opinion thank you
Hey, I now weigh 86kg and am 1.63m tall. I do sports, so despite my weight I'm pretty fit and feel good. Do you think I should lose weight, stay the same, or gain a little more weight?
I gained quite a bit of weight over the summer. I always had to watch what and how much I ate to maintain my weight, and I was never completely thin. By early summer, I was fed up with it. Constantly watching what I ate was really annoying, and so my weight started to climb….
Hi, Yesterday I was back in my apartment for the first time in a long time, and my roommates talked the whole time about my belly and how I'd gained weight. They're a couple from India. Is it normal to make comments about people's bodies and eating habits there? I felt pretty bad afterward.
How much do you think Lena Meyer-Landrut weighs considering her height of 168cm?
Hi, I've gained a lot of weight in the last six months, but I only really notice it when I've eaten a lot because then my stomach is so much heavier. Is that normal?