Ehrlich Brothers Diamonds?
Is the Ehrlich Brothers' show, Diamonds, worth seeing? I went to Dream and Fly, but to be honest, I wasn't really impressed.
Ehrlich Brothers Saw Trick Solution? 1:09h
Are the honest brothers stopping after Dream&fly?
I've seen on many websites and social media that the Dream and Fly tour is supposed to end next year. My question is, will you both stop touring then? I've been a huge fan for over seven years, and I'd be really interested to know. If anyone knows, I'd be really sad.
At the Munich Olympic Hall, can you see the stage well from Block S1, Row 7, Seat 1?
I bought a ticket for a concert at the Olympiahalle Munich and wanted to know if you can get a good view of the stage from block S1, row 7, seat 1
How do the Ehrlich Brothers float in their show?
How do the Ehrlich Brothers' flying tricks work? Does anyone know how? I saw it on TV during a live show with an audience. They were even pulled through large rings in the air. That means there can't be any ropes attaching them. How does that work????
Is the Ehrlich Brothers show worth watching?
Hey there. I'm about to decide whether to buy a ticket to see the Ehrlich Brothers. Could you please give your informed opinion on whether this is a good idea or a bad one?
How long does the Ehrlich Brothers live show last?