Duck egg, normal?
Hey, can someone tell me what's wrong with this egg? They're duck eggs. Best regards
Hey, can someone tell me what's wrong with this egg? They're duck eggs. Best regards
Hi, I adopted some duck eggs because their mother left them alone for a few days. I know the duck won't come back, and I want to save the babies. Now I have them in a box with 39 degrees Celsius, etc., so everything is perfect for them. I also turn them three times a…
Hello! I'm new to artificial incubation and have placed 6 fertilized dwarf duck eggs in the incubator. 3 eggs haven't hatched yet, so I've sorted them out. I'm on day 32 now, normal is 28 I think. Since day 30, one egg has been pecked, but nothing else has happened to the other two. On…
Hey. A duck egg appears to be hatching. The duck has now made a hole in the egg and is quacking. Should the egg be put back in the incubator? Kind regards.
Hey, I live next to a lake and I saw some duck eggs there. They had been abandoned for quite some time, so I decided to take them home because the mother duck hadn't come back. When I took them, they were still warm. Can someone please tell me what kind of ducks these are…
We have a pond in our garden with a small central island. A mallard duck has built a nest on this central island and laid eggs. It had been brooding for a while, but now it hasn't returned for two days. What else can we do for the eggs…?
My dog just chased a duck away and found the eggs. I had to take them away from her because she would have eaten them otherwise. Will the animal still eat the eggs or not? It's a brown animal with a black neck, like a swan, only smaller. I don't know what they're called.
Hello, we got a lot of chicks this year: geese, bramas, "racing hens," etc. Hatching and raising all of them went really well, and they're all doing well. It's not going so well with the ducks, though. The ducks hatch but die after 2-3 days, even though they seem perfectly healthy. They run around, eat,…
I have eight duck eggs in the incubator, and they're already chirping and wobbling. They've even been pecked at. Today, between 6 and 7 p.m., the first hole appeared. How long will it take for the little ones to hatch from the egg?
Hello, we have goose eggs and duck eggs and you can already see the veins and the heart in all of them. I read that they should hatch after about 1 month. My problem is that this is my first time doing this, and I'm still very inexperienced. The eggs are currently in an incubator,…
My ducks always lay their eggs around the pond, but the pond has a pretty steep slope, so some fall into it. I see new eggs every day. They don't stay in the pond for longer than 24 hours. Are the eggs no longer suitable for hatching in an incubator, and how long can I…