School diarrhea?

Hello folks, I'm a little uncomfortable, but I still need your opinion. I had a watery bowel movement today, but I'm feeling more or less okay now. I don't think it's diarrhea, since it only happened twice. My school is over an hour away by train (I go to night school), so I wanted to…

Kokzidien Hund?

Hallo ihr lieben, irgendwie ist bei uns der “Wurm” drinnen. Wir haben Kokzidien, Behandlung erfolgte letzte Woche Mittwoch. Hasko(19) hatte leider so dolle Durchfall schon ( nur noch Blut). Wir waren sogar bei verschiedenen Tierärzten aber jedes Mal Kotprobe unauffällig. Sie waren schon völlig verzweifelt, weil selbst das Blutbild perfekt war. Dann bekam Cheaster “Gott…

Why do we foreigners from Germany often hear that we have diarrhea in Egypt, that it affects every second person?

It happened to me last time too, what should I pay more attention to this time? Not drinking tap water is definitely OK, but should you stay away from meat? The last time I was out with a family member, we ate roughly the same thing, except she was vegan and I was a complete…

Cat poop?

Hello, I got two new male cats (8 months old) on Saturday. Their first bowel movement was completely normal, but the next day they both had diarrhea. I'm worried and would like to take them to the vet, but they're still very shy, and I don't want to scare them any further. The journey to…

Bowel disease?

Hello! I've been suffering from diarrhea for two years, meaning I've lost my normal digestion. I also have several food intolerances. I've also had microscopic colitis for about 15 years. I take Budenofalk for my colitis, and I've always been able to live with it. Two years ago, things got worse. My gastroenterologist diagnosed me…

Abort/Abgang oder ist das normal nach der Periode?

Hallo ihr lieben,  Mein letzter Zyklus vom 27.09.2023 war 38 Tage lang (6 Tage zu spät) ich denk mal da ich im Urlaub war und dort über 40 grad war haben meine Hormonen verrückt gespielt hatte auch Magen Darm etc. Aufjedenfall mein jetziger Zyklus war 32 Tage ich hab meine Periode am 29.10.2023 bekommen die…

What kind of illness could this be? (prolonged vomiting and diarrhea)?

Hello, Doctors have not been able to find anything so far and detective work is still being done. Here's what's going on: a family member is ill. Suddenly, gastrointestinal symptoms developed (in the household, there's a husband and two children, so a family of four), including vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain. After visiting the…