I have found a job at a large biotechnology company but as a temporary worker the problem is in the department where they will put me?

They want the department to be very bad and only give out contracts for 3 months. Can I now tell the temporary employment agency that I don't want to work in this department but want to work in a different one?

Why can technicians also take on complex tasks?

Hello, Why do companies nowadays also hire technicians who can handle complex tasks like an engineer? Now I was surprised because I thought that only engineers were allowed to do engineering tasks. an example: In the last few days, I looked around the job portal and came across a position. Design engineer in special machine…

Industry or lighting technology?

Hello, I am currently working in the electrical industry and am in the lighting/lighting technology department and would actually like to switch to the industrial department, but I don't know exactly what you do in the industrial department and what the work processes are like. The fact is, lighting technology is more technical and the…

Trainee shy?

Hey, I'm an office clerk trainee, and I'm quite shy. While I get along well with everyone, I often don't join in the gossiping and just stay at my desk. In the office, everyone sits close together, and I'm a bit more "isolated," which might also lead to me not joining in the conversation as…

What is the difference between Treasury Expert and Accounting/Accounting?

Hey, I wanted to find out what exactly the difference is between the two jobs, or rather the main difference. I am about to graduate from school and these two areas were suggested to me and also in my same interest (actually more accounting or bookings,…). Are the tasks in Treasury Expert the same as…

What kind of workers are there in manufacturing, development, manufacturing, production, etc.? Are they only academics?

Apprentices hardly ever work in industries like manufacturing, sports, etc. Which academics work in manufacturing, production, transport, logistics, etc.? And which of these other fields are there for academics? Thank you, my dears. I'm writing a paper about academic industries.