Partner workshop still no estimate after 4 1/2 days?

Is it normal that my insurer's partner workshop has still not provided a cost estimate after almost a whole week? Should I contact an independent expert on Monday if nothing comes of it? I called them on Friday, and the representative hung up and promised to call me back—which never happened. So I'm feeling a…

Car insurance for new drivers: Tips for saving if you have neither parents, family nor a partner?

I'm an orphan and finally got my driver's license in my late 30s. Now I'm looking into car insurance. Unfortunately, I don't have the benefit of transferring no-claims bonuses from my parents, family, or partner, or being able to claim the car as my parents' second car. I have neither parents nor family nor a…

Leasing and fully comprehensive insurance?

Can a new comprehensive insurance company reject the application of a person with a leased car who had previously canceled their policy with another insurer? The cancellation occurred due to two damages that were not caused by gross negligence. Or does the new comprehensive insurance company have to accept the application under at least more…