Cutting a cat’s nails?
Hello, my cat hates having her claws trimmed and always panics. Her claws are always very sharp, and she scratches everything that comes near her. Do you have any tips on what I could do?
Hello, my cat hates having her claws trimmed and always panics. Her claws are always very sharp, and she scratches everything that comes near her. Do you have any tips on what I could do?
Hey, I got my cockatiel a new friend at the end of March. He still doesn't dare leave his cage and won't let me touch him. His claws are already so long that they need to be trimmed. But how should I do it? I also called the vet to see if he could come…
Hi, I want to cut my dog's claws. I've never done this before, but I have to cut his claws because they're very long. He has black claws and I can't find/see his blood vessels well (I got a tip from the internet). I have a nail clipper from PetPät. Is it any good or…
Or can this also be done with side cutters? Shitstorm please go away if possible, factually based please
Hello, I cut my dog's claw too far because it was moving jerkily. 😮💨☹️ I wiped away all the blood first with a cloth and then with a wet rag and it is no longer bleeding. She doesn't show any pain and is currently lying relaxed next to me. 🫣 Do I have to pay…
I picked them up yesterday and suspect it happened in the crate on the way home because the "breeder" put them both in one crate and they were a little restless from time to time. Is there anything I need to do? He's grabbing perfectly normally; he's even been on my finger.
An aunt of mine accidentally cut too far into one of my cat's nails and he's bleeding a little. According to the internet, you have to put flour on it, which I did, but do I need to do anything else or is he okay?
Hello, I've had my budgie Limon for four years. He's a male. Since I got him, I haven't had to trim his claws or beak, or have them trimmed by the vet. That's how it should be, in normal, healthy situations, that it wears down on its own. For a few months now, he's had…
How much does it cost, approximately, to trim the claws of a pair of lovebirds? I'm comfortable trimming claws on guinea pigs and dogs, but not on those… Has anyone ever had this done by a vet and how much does it cost for a pair?
Our little budgie Fipsi's claws have unfortunately grown too long, so we had to trim them a bit. While trimming them, we noticed that it's almost impossible to trim some of them, as the veins in almost all of them run right through to the tip, practically all the way through the claw. These are…
Hello, I went to the vet for my budgie Pamuk because his claws were too long. They were shortened but unfortunately one of the claws was a bit too long. It was bleeding a little. The vet said that it would stop in 15 minutes, that it was just a small bleed and that if…