Could someone explain to me what's missing from the formula at the top right, and what additional detail is added in the formula at the bottom? Is the formula at the bottom necessary?

Using the example of alpha-glucose and galactose (as shown in the figure from my book), can someone explain to me whether and why the formula (shown in the figure) in the top right corner for alpha-glucose is NOT sufficient to ensure that it might not be galactose? Why do you need the lowest representation to…

Do I understand correctly that the CH3 and H atoms attached to the two C atoms with double bonds can each be rotated around the axis of the C atoms?

So the rotation is exactly around the axis that connects the CH3 and H atoms with the two C atoms in the middle (the ones with the double bond), right? And this is a case of CONFIGURATIONAL isomerism and NOT CONFORMATIONAL isomerism, because rotation at the single bonds CANNOT make the two molecules equal, right?…

Why can't an oxygen atom do this even though it has two lone pairs of electrons?

In my biochemistry book, the explanation of the amino group states, among other things: "In contrast to alcohols, nitrogen can react with a fourth carbon atom via its lone pair of electrons, forming the quaternary, positively charged ammonium ion." My question: Why can't an oxygen do the same, i.e. form another bond, even though the…

Does the + in the valence bond formula of the ammonium ion NH4+ refer to the nitrogen atom or to the whole molecule or to both?

So does the + that is located right above the "N" of the nitrogen atom in the valence bond formula mean that the whole molecule is positively charged, or does it mean that the nitrogen atom is positively charged, or does it mean that the nitrogen atom is positively charged and at the same time…

Is there software to find out which gases are produced?

Is there software where you enter what should be burned and the software outputs what combustion gases are produced? I want to know what happens when I try two smoking products. The first consists of: A rolled cigarette roller containing: a bit of dried blue lotus flower (Nymphaea caerulea) and a bit of cannabis. The…