Cat has unpleasant bad breath?
I've noticed this. Sure, cats can't brush their teeth, and I think a certain smell is normal. But with my tomcat, it's really bad. smells ALMOST like pus somehow.
I've noticed this. Sure, cats can't brush their teeth, and I think a certain smell is normal. But with my tomcat, it's really bad. smells ALMOST like pus somehow.
I tried – as best I could – to take a photo of it (with and without flash) to show exactly what I mean. When my cat yawned, I noticed that he had brownish-orange corners of his mouth. You can't see them unless his mouth is open. I only noticed this a week ago and…
Hallo, sind das bei meiner Katze an den Zähnen normale Verfärbungen oder sollte ich lieber einmal beim Tierarzt vorbeischauen? Vielleicht hat hier ja jemand etwas Ahnung und kann dazu etwas sagen. (Ich weiß- das ersetzt keinen Tierarztbesuch!) Bitte spart euch dumme/nicht nützliche Kommentare. Danke schonmal für die Antworten
Meine Katzen kamen schon relativ zahnlos vom Tierheim bei mir an. Anfangs waren alle Zähne und Zahnfleisch ok, nun hat sich bei beiden das Zahnfleisch entzündet. Kann man da außer zähne ziehen noch was tun und woher kommt das?
What is happening to my cat? Help, what is this?
Which product is best for cat teeth? I did some research and found the following items: finger pads, fillet strips, matatabi sticks, and a cat toothbrush with cat toothpaste. Is any of the products good or do you have other recommendations?😊
My cat is 2 years old and his back teeth look quite yellow.