Economics math – explanation?
Good day, I'm doing my bachelor's degree and we're studying business mathematics. Unfortunately, I haven't had this experience in my professional career since I don't have a high school diploma and took the alternative route to university. Can someone please explain to me (simply) how to calculate the following calculations or what I need to…
How do I get the requested formulas here?
Hello everyone, We've been given the task below, in which we have to calculate the questions in the second paragraph using the formula in the box/create formulas. Unfortunately, I have no idea where to start to get the results. Can you please help me? Thanks.
Studying math: helpful YouTube channels or websites?
The day before yesterday, I received my acceptance letter for the Bachelor's program in Business Mathematics at the University of Mannheim. Now I'm thinking about how to prepare for the math program and, more importantly, how I'll study later in my studies. To anyone currently studying or having studied mathematics: Are there any helpful websites…
Loan repayment?
Hello folks. I keep trying to solve example b but somehow I can't get the right result. Can you please help me with this example? Best regards
Which formula for effective annual interest rate is correct?
Hello, I have an exam in economics VERY SOON and I can't understand why there are two formulas for the annual percentage rate that always produce different results. There are 1. (Costs/Net Loan Amount)*(24/(Term in Months + 1) And there was 2. Total costs/(payout amount*years) Can someone PLEASE tell me when to use which formula??
Hello, I have an economics exam VERY SOON and I need to be able to calculate the annual percentage rate, but no matter what I do, I keep getting the wrong answer. Can someone PLEASE explain to me how to do this? I've looked online, but EVERY video uses a DIFFERENT PROCEDURE.
How do I divide annuities into their different cost types?
Hello, my dears, I'm currently writing my master's thesis and am conducting a profitability analysis of various heat supply technologies. Among other things, I'm calculating the net present value and annuity payments. Now my question: The annuities are calculated from =KW * (i*(1+i)^n/ (1+i)^n -1) This results in total annuities. However, I would now like…
Find out parameters for a specific operating minimum?
Hello everyone, I have this cost function: K(x)=ax^3 – 15x^2 + 80x + 25 Now I need to calculate how high a needs to be so that the operating minimum is 5 ME. I just have no idea how, can you please help me? Thanks!
How do I calculate the zeros here (equate)?
Hello, how do I calculate the zeros here (equating Pa(x) and Pn(x))?
How do you solve this binomial formula?
Hello. How do I solve Pn(x) using the binomial formula?