Studying math: helpful YouTube channels or websites?

The day before yesterday, I received my acceptance letter for the Bachelor's program in Business Mathematics at the University of Mannheim. Now I'm thinking about how to prepare for the math program and, more importantly, how I'll study later in my studies. To anyone currently studying or having studied mathematics: Are there any helpful websites…

Which formula for effective annual interest rate is correct?

Hello, I have an exam in economics VERY SOON and I can't understand why there are two formulas for the annual percentage rate that always produce different results. There are 1. (Costs/Net Loan Amount)*(24/(Term in Months + 1) And there was 2. Total costs/(payout amount*years) Can someone PLEASE tell me when to use which formula??

How do I divide annuities into their different cost types?

Hello, my dears, I'm currently writing my master's thesis and am conducting a profitability analysis of various heat supply technologies. Among other things, I'm calculating the net present value and annuity payments. Now my question: The annuities are calculated from =KW * (i*(1+i)^n/ (1+i)^n -1) This results in total annuities. However, I would now like…