Whose bird's song is your favorite?
I assume you can tell them apart well too (: LG
I assume you can tell them apart well too (: LG
The second bird sounds like a shooting noise 😅 To the video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C61YlWssZUQ/?igsh=MXN3aHluc21hZG4xNw==
I really don't know what to do. The birds outside my house are so abnormally loud and they're chirping almost constantly these days. Sometimes as early as 8:00 PM, but especially in the morning from 3:00 or 4:00 AM until around 12:00 PM. I've closed my window, but I can still hear them so loudly!…
Now that spring is here, the birds are starting to chirp again early in the morning (around 5 a.m.). Today, it woke me up, and it reminded me of my childhood. But then I felt alone and couldn't go back to sleep. Do you feel the same?
Well, not me… I rarely notice it, and otherwise it's automatically blocked out. It's a great atmosphere in itself.
Hello. Which birds do you like to hear sing the most? I like the cooing of pigeons, the singing of blackbirds and robins, and the twittering of sparrows the most. LG
In this question, it's all about hearing , not seeing. And it's likely to be the louder birds, not the quieter ones, that are drowned out by others. For me, it's definitely the chiffchaff. It's often heard in the background on recordings of other birds that I listen to to learn more (I don't recognize…
Why? And how do you distinguish people's whistling from birdsong?
Hello, I would like to know how I can get rid of or reduce the number of birds in my apartment building. For the past two days, there have been sweating birds in my apartment building, and I don't know where the nest is. My question is, is there any way to stop the birdsong?…
Good day, We have tons of birds in our garden, I'm not exaggerating. The chirping doesn't wake me up or anything, because I always wear earplugs at night, as my father snores really loudly. He often snores at lunchtime too, and then I put in earplugs when I have to study, for example, and because…