Zinc in stainless steel wire for aviaries?
Why are hot-dip galvanized “stainless steel wires” sold as aviary wire when zinc is actually quite toxic to birds such as cockatiels?
Why are hot-dip galvanized “stainless steel wires” sold as aviary wire when zinc is actually quite toxic to birds such as cockatiels?
Hey people, I have two rabbits that will be one year old in a few weeks. Tonight it will be 8-9 degrees here and I wanted to ask if that is warm enough to let the rabbits outside at night. We have a barn that has an aviary inside with a small passageway leading outside…
Good day, I wanted to know if I could add two cockatiels to my four budgies. Is that possible? Of course I would then buy a larger aviary.
See question above. The aviary would be such that the two species could see and hear each other, but would be separated by a fence.Would you do that?If not, please explain why. I'm still unsure and would like to keep my opinion to myself for now because I want to hear your honest opinion.
We had nine canaries in the large aviary. All gone. They didn't fly out. Feathers on the ground. None left. How could anything get in there? I can't see anything. It's my old sandbox in the playhouse. We also laid wire mesh on the floor there once. But you can't see any holes or anything….
Hello, I have a question. I have four budgies in a large indoor aviary. They get 5 to 6 hours of exercise every day. The door is always open except for airing the room. For an hour or half an hour. I don't think they have anything to do outside since I don't have any…
Hello, since my last chipmunk died and I don't know why, I would like to disinfect his aviary before the new one moves in. The aviary is made of wood (and powder-coated mesh). The floor is varnished, but the rest is not. The back wall is made of pine bark. Now I've read that wood,…
Hi, My family and I are planning on getting two scarlet macaws (we haven't decided yet). 😂 So I wanted to ask if you know of any great breeders or birds we'd like to adopt? (They shouldn't be much older than two, if possible, and shouldn't cost more than €1,500). Of course, we still need…
Hello, I'm planning to rebuild my rabbit aviary because it's looking pretty shabby and isn't escape-proof. My question: do you know where I can get inexpensive but good quality wood and inexpensive wire? It doesn't have to be marten-proof, as I have a dog. Do you have any other tips, since an aviary can easily…
We're in the process of building a 35-square-meter outdoor aviary with a shelter and are wondering what kind of flooring we want for the outdoor aviary. It would be nice because you'd just have to hoe through it. We also considered bark mulch, but that could get moldy, and grass is difficult to clean. Would…
Hi everyone, I'm really desperate. My parents are putting my budgies out sometimes when the temperature is 7 degrees Celsius. I've told them so many times that it's way too cold and that they can't stand temperature fluctuations, and I've even provided sources to back it up. But they just call me crazy and say…
Good evening, I made a small willow wreath for my two budgies out of willow. They absolutely love it. They sit inside, on it, and on the side. The problem, however, is that the droppings are difficult to remove. I was thinking about putting it in hot water. Would that solve the problem? Or do…