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Because drug does not mean psychoactive effect.
According to the definition of WHO, a drug is any substance that can change processes in the body. That doesn’t mean you have to notice the effect.
not every drug makes high. Neither does any drug depend. But everyone has an effect on the psyche. Although tobacco can already make high by its evidence of poisoning the nicotine flash. But this is lost relatively quickly with accusation to the poison.
But tobacco has no effect on the psyche.
but, better concentration for example sportsman dopen with it. It only works in small quantities with non-smokers
“The nicotine has a stimulating effect on the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. This type of receptor is in parasympatheticGanglia, sympathetic Ganglia, in Auxiliary mark, Central nervous system and the Motor end plates. Nicotin enabled parasympathetic nerves and inhibits sympathetic nerves in their activity. In addition, Nicotin promotes the release of the hormone adrenalin and the neurotransmitter dopamine and serotonin. In low quantities, Nicotin has a stimulating effect.” Source Wikipedia- Of course nicotine changes what in mind when due to him dopamine is spilled out in the brain, and it affects receptors in the brain!
he doesn’t change because he doesn’t interfere with brain chemistry.
when it changes the concentration it changes in the head
That does not do tobacco.
ok, then we say it will change all drug what in the head instead of psyche
This has nothing to do with “psych.”
People are also usually not high from pain tablets and the dependence effect is nevertheless given.
Not everything that makes addiction also has a state of noise.
Hää… And what does this have to do with the QUESTION now?
Why aren’t you high when you eat parsley, it’s also a drug?
Since when pertersilie a drug?
basil then also or as
Yes… All that has an effect on the organism is a drug by definition.
not every drug is getting high!
Like most medicines!
Because tobacco doesn’t intoxicate.
Because the drug has a subtle effect. Drug only means that biochemical changes in your brain.
Those who are not used to it also experience a slight noise when smoking tobacco.
tabak has no hallucinogenic effect