System memory always full?
Hello, I have the following problem: for some inexplicable reason, my hard drive keeps getting into the red zone, meaning it's almost full, even though I created 10 GB of space yesterday using a cleaning tool. It was then displayed, but after a short time, it was full again, even though I haven't downloaded anything onto it. Does anyone have an explanation? Thanks in advance.
Very strange. Either broken or corrupted. Would you check (scndsk) and format if necessary!
is his windows commanded?
Right. Simply enter a search engine. It’s easy!
I haven’t heard of anything yet, but did you hear Vlt any games that automatically refresh? In case of emergency, you have to uninstall something you don’t need to get enough space. Of course, it could also be the software from the PC that needs more space. I can’t help but I hope I could help
LG FabiLo08
no games on it but thank you
Excuse me
All good::)
Without knowing what the tool has done, rather not. In case of doubt, only temporary data such as the image of the currently used memory were deleted. Something that is directly described by the system.
no it has erased temp as well as browser history etc and made the win own data carrier scrubber and sfc Scan now have nix found
Temp is the directory for temporary files. Depending on what has been done with the computer since then and how much memory has been admitted to the system for temporary outsourcing of data, it is easily conceivable here to remove well 10GB of data waste which the system subsequently directly rewritten.
Browser history, among other things, hardly brings data savings even after years.
I already have backups on the NAS, etc. I even recently renewed him to law and got the ondrive on it again but also nciht deisntalized think that has to do with it
Clean up by hand. Uninstall unnecessary software, download files, videos or A. that are no longer relevant to delete if a second partition/drive is present to outsource files there.
and what can I do?
Probably a program uses the storage space as a cache.
Simply delete is pointless, you need to find out what program that does.
is there helps to find out?
e.g. windirstat