Synonym in der Drogenszene?

Mal angenommen jemand benutzt den “Begriff” Schachtel bei Drogenverkäufen; welche Art von illegaler Droge könnte damit gemeint sein ( Zigaretten sind zu 100% auszuschließen ).

Es wäre eher untypisch den Begriff für Cannabis-Käufe zu benutzen.

Könnten hier Pillen oder auch Kokain oder Crystal gemeint sein?

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

You can easily pack any psychoactive substance in boxes. But I would suspect that something is more meant, which is usually sold in boxes on the legal market, so drugs.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  BiggiMC

I’m not sure if it makes sense to make further assumptions based on any assumptions. Drugs sometimes used as drugs are, for example, benzodiazepines or opioids.

2 years ago

A synonym for “a gram” can also be considered. Often in the scene “one (word X)” is meant a gram. However, depending on the substance, it can also be 100mg (e.g. MDMA), or 100qm (e.g. LSD).

But are all guesses