Symptome von Eisenmangel?

heyy, mir (W/14) wird wenn ich aufstehe immer schwindelig und ich sehe ein moment nichts weil alles schwarz/ manchmal weiß wird. Zudem zittere ich relativ häufig/ bin bleich und oft müde, und hab oft pochende Kopfschmerzen (bei zu hellem licht auch augenschmerzen)

Könnte das Eisenmangel sein? Wenn ja, gibt es was was ich essen/ trinken könnt, das es besser wird?

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11 months ago

Sounds like circulatory problems. Can have various causes, whether iron deficiency counts, I can’t say sure, but I think already (because of blood poverty and so).
But it can also be quite normal.

If this occurs particularly frequently or over a longer period of time, ask a doctor afterwards.

11 months ago

So if you have such a lack of iron that this is already so strong, you would have to get splashes from the doctor.

The cause may of course also be other defects or something completely different.

The best natural absorption of high-quality iron is naturally due to the consumption of red meat.

11 months ago

This can be quite, but fits the iron deficiency.

Why don’t you go to the doctor and leave a blood picture

11 months ago

you are only 14 years old, go to your parents and go to a doctor,

an iron deficiency is detected by a BE in the laboratory