Sx 85 Rad Kompatibilität?

Also folgendes. Ich habe eine ktm sx 85 bj. 2009 und will von 17/14 auf 19/16 Rad Satz umbauen. Jetzt frag ich mich nur wie das mit der Kompatibilität ist. Ich finde nirgendswo bei welchen Baujahre sich die achsenduchrmesser etc ändern. Kann mir wer hier helfen.

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3 years ago

So last time I borrowed from my son in the driver’s camp the replacement rear wheel (yes 85 – we have 2020 bj ) to one who had a 2012 bj- who continued using his plug axle, we only had to replace the brake disc. BJ 2012= 201mm – bj- 2020=210 mm

3 years ago

always on the size of your child. You can drive small bike up to 155cm – then you should switch to large bike. – as soon as the child comes to the ground completely with the feet= next larger machine

3 years ago

you have already said that the brakes are there – I just wanted to say that the brake discs have 21.0cm from 2016 and thus do not fit the model 09 – because the model 09 has only 20.1 cm- So you wouldn’t get the wheel in with a 21cm brake disc – but that’s not a problem to just screw a new purchase for your model or brake disc from the old wheel set.

3 years ago

just the brake discs are different

3 years ago

so my son (13) is 165 cm- on the 85 (large wheel) he has been on the ground with both feet this year. That’s why he got his 250s this year so that he can start next year seamlessly in the next bigger racing class.

with 180cm you are much too big for the 85s- you have the completely wrong driver’s attitude when driving