Switch mit Reapeter?


Bei meinen WLAN Einstellung von der Fritzbox steht das meine Switch nicht wds fähig ist (Wds ist eine Verbindung mit reapeter.)

Kann man das irgendwie umstellen weil sonst ist mein WLAN ziemlich schlecht.

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10 months ago

A WDS is a radio network of several WLAN devices, for example two FRITZ! Boxes in which a WLAN device is set up as a base station and one or more others as repeaters.

The Knowledge-Base of AVM writes:

Enable WDS

  1. Click in the user interface of theFRITZ!Boxon “system”.
  2. In the System menu, click “View”.
  3. Activate the expert view and click “Apply”.
  4. Click “WLAN” and then click “WDS“.
  5. Select the option “WDSactive” and select the “Repeater” mode.

Otherwise, you can also register a repeater MANUELL without WPS to a FritzBox, as does AVM write in the help or at Youtube in videos

10 months ago

Do you mean a Nintendo Switch? Why should the WDS be capable.

WDS is a completely outdated standard for Wlan Repeating, which does not even support WPA.

Why don’t you send a picture of the message, I think you’re confused.

10 months ago
Reply to  Es1305

then the repeater is very likely not correctly set up. reconnect with the Fritzbox. And of course, the repeater must be plugged in at a point where it still gets a pretty good signal from the Fritzbox, otherwise it is no better than without repeater.