Svv narben?
Hallo zusammen ich habr seit einer zeit narben an meinem ärmen die mich aber auch nicht stören ich gehe oft mit t Shirt in die schule und wen sie frisch sind verdecke ich diese auch.
allerdings hat mein lehrer mich heute auf meine verheilten Narben angesprochen und gesagt ich darf sie nicht mehr zeigen da das in der schule nicht gerne gesehen wird ich soll jz immer langarm anzihen und wen ich mit t Shirt komme gibt er mir ein Verband um diese abzudeken
ich Persönlich finde das nicht oke und will mich wehren was ist eue meinung und habt ihr tipps?
It’s your body and of course you’re allowed to fall in like you’re wearing. Teacher has nothing to say in this situation. Personally, it’s rather remarkable that you’re so open about it. I’d wear it on your part and I’d have Bock, so also T-shirts and if the teacher has something to say again, turn it to either a teacher where you know he’ll help you, or to the school manager. As I said, the teacher has nothing to say about this subject unless you run half naked through the school, which you absolutely do not.
Good luck to you
If you’re still hurting, you should be in therapy as soon as possible.
The school problem should discuss your parents with the school management.
go to therapy what my teacher also knows
I don’t think I’m okay, especially since it’s old scars. I’d talk to my parents first and go to the director.
This is so typical school system again. Instead of clarifying a problem and looking for causes or trying to help and making it better, it is simply hidden and hidden.
There are also new injuries. !
“who they are fresh I also discover them”
Who I have new ones I have covered them and I will show them who they are healed again!
Well. You should invest your energy in not getting new scars.
I can understand the attitude of the school, but you wouldn’t get any attention from me on this subject. Neither positive nor negative
But don’t let you in KJP it’s warm in summer