Hey ich habe eine Frage an euch:
Denkt ihr ich kann einer Lehrkraft von mir anvertrauen, dass ich sv mache? Und meint ihr, dass sie es meinen Eltern/anderen Lehrkräften sagen würde, wenn ich sie darum bitte das nicht zu tun?
Ich bin euch für jede Antwort dankbar
Halli hallo,
Of course, you can do this, but in such a case they have no less duty and even have to tell your parents, as they are partly responsible for you, and of course, no teacher likes it and then tries to help.
However, I would really recommend telling your parents because you need help and I think your parents will be able to understand it and will help you.
LG and you can do this:)
Teachers prefer not, but there are often social workers who, as far as I know, have a duty to silence. But they can still go to the parents or to someone else if you’re in some way trying to commit suicide or something.
There are no social workers with me at school…
Okay. So I’d rather not say it to any teacher because it can be that they go to the parents, so someone said they are obligated.
Halli hallo,
Teachers and social workers both have the obligation to self-infringement by themselves or others or also suicide thoughts to tell parents.
So it is basically the same whether one speaks with a teaching power or with a social work.
LG :
if you want to remain silent go to the doctor, adult as teachers are obliged to report such problems ifs out, start learning with self-love
And do you think she would tell my parents/other teachers if I don’t ask them to do that?
-> it is obliged to contact at least your parents.
She would be obliged to tell your parents
Take care of yourself…