Süßes oder gesundes an Halloween?
Hallo liebe gF-Gemeinde.
wie haltet ihr es mit Halloween und St. Martin, wenn Kinder vorbei kommen und “betteln” bzw singen? Habt ihr auch immer was Gesundes vorrätig oder gebt ihr “nur” Süßes?
Ich frage das, weil ich es noch so kenne, dass es früher den begleitenden Eltern egal war, ob die Kinder Süßes bekommen oder nicht, aber die Zeiten haben sich geändert und ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass von so manchen Eltern erwartet wird, dass man vielleicht inzwischen auch mal was Gesundes gibt. Da hier im Viertel inzwischen viele junge Familien mit kleineren Kindern wohnen, werden einige wohl dieses Jahr zum ersten Mal mit ihren Kindern auch in unser Haus kommen. Die letzten Jahre hat man hier keine gesehen, so musste ich auch nie was bereit halten.
Wie ist das bei euch? Gebt ihr nur Süßes oder haltet ihr auch Gesundes (Obst) bereit?
Here the children come only where it is decorated in a halloween style and where they were discussed with their neighbours. However, this will be very few to none, but in the case I always have a few sweets.
Perhaps that it would be better for some parents if their child had fruit, but surely not for the children themselves and I think that it is about Halloween alone. If parents don’t like the kids to get sweets, they can’t let them go halloween.
That’s what I see. Thank you very much, this helps me to choose the giveaways, because I also eat sweet, healthy fruits less;-)
Sure. St. Martin isn’t common here in the area, but then I’d keep it the same.
If Halloween children come naturally something sweet, so it has always been.The Green Parents where the children are allowed only apples to Halloween would not leave the house
🙂 Thank you.
In principle, only rose cabbages, they do not come back.
The kids from my neighborhood are welcome to come over again and again;-) but thank you for your answer 😉
At St. Martin, nobody comes to us and at Halloween there is something sweet.
I won’t open the door and the problem is solved.
I give the kids candy.
I’m a diabetics and I’m sure I don’t have anything for the children in the house, I think they know it now from my neighborhood. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
I bake muffins and biscuits myself, so they can choose something. They are sweet, but in many different varieties. I also have self-made wine gum and homemade candies. There are also mandarins and bananas on fruit. Wide choice.
We don’t have any children coming. They also know
The kids just want to have fun! So, why do you still give healthy? This will only disappoint the children if they only get nuts instead of sweets (or similar).
And by the way. Why do you always look at the whole profile before you respond to a post?! Slowly I get the feeling that you get money for it, you psychochaotic cable tan!
Nee, biscuits, chocolate, candies, peppermint – everything is ready.
Also money, but no fruit… 😊
Oh, okay. There wouldn’t be money with me. Otherwise, the number of children in the next year would probably be bigger.
My wife likes to prepare candy for Halloween (at St. Martin there is no tradition here) which I usually acknowledge with criticism of human friendliness and charity. Last year, however, no children came, which is why I ate the candy myself.
lg up
*gggg* also ne idea.