Supplement Magnesium welches?

Ich habe das Gefühl, das ich Magnesium Mangel habe. Ich weiß, dass ich früher mal Magnesium genommen habe ich aber dadurch Blähungen hatte. Ich kann mich erinnern, dass es zwei unterschiedliche Magnesium Arten gibt’s und eine führt zu Blähungen und die andere eher nicht. Wisst ihr noch mal, welche das war?

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1 year ago

I have the feeling

Please don’t go after your feeling, but let a doctor make a blood test. If you have a deficiency, the doctor will recommend a preparation and the DOSIS. It doesn’t make any sense to fix the dose itself, although you don’t even know if there is a deficiency at all. If the doctor has diagnosed, then take the preparation recommended by him under his control and only until the deficiency is balanced and no longer!

No one needs nutritional supplements in normal diet. Please, don’t let the advertisement talk to you. In addition, food supplements are by no means as harmless as manufacturers tell us consumers. She doesn’t care about our health. They just want to rip us off. The agents can even be harmful to health because you have no overview of overdoses. You take them to your normal food, so overdoses can occur very easily.

So be reasonable and go to your family doctor first!

1 year ago
Reply to  RetroN89

Thank you.