Suppennudeln haben Brühe komplett aufgesogen, Hilfe?
Ich habe Suppe gekocht. Jetzt sind das so Suppennudeln und die haben aber meine ganze Brühe aufgesogen nach 2 Stunden!!!!
Ich bin im Kochen voll die Niete, bitte helft mir, wie ich daraus noch ein passable Gericht machen kann…
Soll ich ne Soße machen?? Geht das dann mit Sahne? So Sahnesoße
Die Suppe war eigentlich echt super lecker und die Nudeln sind auch sehr würzig so … schmecken halt nach Suppe
I should have done more broth right from the start. It’s normal that the noodles suck a lot from the broth.
Now you can add some water and spicy.
Thank you
I wouldn’t pick up anything. After 2 hours, the noodles are ugly and unfit for me. I would dispose of this soup. Perhaps in the future you should read on the packaging how long the noodles have to be cooked.
food waste super! I would simply bind them with a bit of ice and then prepare seperate in salt water and in a bowl to eat
I’d just eat the noodles like that, but they’re delicious.
In pasta soup (with vegetables and potatoes in it) I sometimes have that, which I put in the pan briefly, to warm up.
Take a stew out. Vegetables and finished (but cook extra to stop pamping).
Noodles must swim freely in salt water. So, for example, 3 l of water for 3 hands of Fussili (example). I’m sure you’ll get a feeling with a little exercise.
And spaghetti never break! Yeah, I know that was off topic. But for safety….
Fussili are rather unknown. You mean Fusilli? Dan, you should say spiral noodles if you can’t Italian.
I always break spaghetti and actually find her even more delicious… jes i know i know: it’s the worst thing to do..
Even worse are pineapples to spaghetti…
Break. It’s more like me.
Noodles are always cooked extra and never in soup!
We only have a pot
So real stews?
Tip: cook pasta first, savor and put it on the side. Then cook soup and then the noodles in again.
If I make a donation call for pots now, you would have about 4 weeks. 1,000,000 pots are standing outside your door, which will certainly not be right!
Unless you’re a junk dealer.
Have not managed to buy a second xD the money went on for a new pan on
It’s just Pampe. You can’t do much more.
The noodles are more like rice, than have become soy
Then keep them warm again and eat them like that.
Just eat.