Suppe nicht essbar in Abschluss kippen?
Habe mir eine Fertigsuppe gekauft und soeben zubereitet. Die suppe schmeckt überhaupt nicht gut, sodass ich die Suppe entsorgen muss. Kartoffel-Lauch-Suppe sollte das laut Verpackung sein. Für den Mülleimer ist die halt etwas zu flüssig.
best pour the soup through a sieve into the drain and remove the rest in the organic waste
Since the soup will not be poisonous, you can “work” it and then eat it.
It only tasted after running cream
For example, you could have reduced it (smile to evaporate liquid), then spice with nutmeg and take it as a sauce for a cauliflower.
Tilt the soup into a sieve fluid running into the drain and the solid(re)n ingredients can make into the biotonne.
Never pour into the toilet!!!
Pour the soup carefully over the spout and the thick comes into the biomüll.
Put the soup in a well-closing plastic bag and then in the garbage bucket.
Food does not belong to the toilet so you feed the rats.
Either tilt into the toilet or soup through a sieve, the liquid flows into the water basin and the solid rest into the garbage.
“…then they pour the contents into the toilet with constant stirring!”
Drop into the toilet
If you have any concerns, go to the bathroom. This is in another room if you’re not in jail, but what?
Hello try to choke it first, then rather tip it to the toilet.
After seasoning has brought nix. Delicious after deceased cream or something
then complain to the manufacturer, I always do,
that is not allowed to write, have to formulate more precisely, to 90% I have always got replacement or a voucher,
What are you writing about?
“I didn’t taste the soup, you’re so mean and I want my money back!” Or what?