Supermarkt Tiramisu?
Findet ihr das Tiramisu aus dem Kühlregal wie echtes Tiramisu schmeckt?
Findet ihr das Tiramisu aus dem Kühlregal wie echtes Tiramisu schmeckt?
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There is no “real” tiramisù because there are very different recipes for this dessert. It has developed over the decades mainly in the Veneto region from various desserts customary there based on biscuit cookies, various creams and various liquids (dessert wine, coffee, liqueur etc.). Especially egg liqueur used to be very popular and is sometimes still used today. About 60 years ago, such a dessert with coffee was first called Tiramisù. Since then it has been offered in various versions. A Tiramisù made fresh with good ingredients is definitely much better than industrial goods.
In fact, I have never eaten finished Tiramisù from the cooler. Occasionally, however, the one or other finished dessert also with pastries. I have to say that this has little to do with a fresh dessert. Neither the pastry nor the cream. The pastry tastes even though it contains objectively much moisture somehow dry and the cream is little creamy.
In addition, I think Tiramisù is now quite overstretched. So in this sense I would prefer a homemade Zuppa inglese.
So I like some very much, but I think they taste completely different.
Like completely self-made pizza in the normal oven somehow never tastes for real pizza, but after some stuffed dough that is not pizza.
The following very slightly prepared Tiramisu tastes best for me.
Spoons 200 g
Mascarpone 500 g
Eggs 4
Sugar 150 g
Amatetto at least one liqueur glass full, usually more (:
Espresso coffee a filled cup
Gelantine fix a double pack
Cocoa powder
Good appetite.
Of course not! Anyone who says Tiramisù from the supermarket would be as good or even better than self-made has never eaten a really good tiramisù.
… but you can eat this from the supermarket occasionally. That doesn’t taste really bad. At least some varieties.
No, no one can tell me you’re coming to good Tiramisu at $2.50. Eatable certainly, but free from additives, flavors and flavor enhancers?
If you make yourself
I’ve never bought Tiramisu from the Supermatt.
If, then I do it myself – but also very rarely. (It’s too good.)
No chance. Right Italian Tiramisu is unbeatable. Most of the time, even in those who can buy, there is no alcohol.
No, the finished products taste completely different from homemade Tiramisu from cafes or your own household. Some people don’t even taste similar except for coffee.
Supermarket Tiramisu is just biscuit coffee pamp with cream.
My Tiramisu is a family recipe and nothing goes on
These are not coffee but biscuits
Who says what about coffee cookies?
homemade usually tastes better
The homemade, alcohol-free, Tiramisu is the best!
That’s it.
It’s worse.
Like all prefabricated dishes, this is not a handcrafted Tiramisu ran.
Better than here in the ice cream parlour…
Well, if it’s called ice cream and not gelateria
Calls ice cream cafe …
But that must be a bad gelateria.