Supermarkt ohne Tierprodukte?

Was denkt ihr über pflanen basierte Supermärkte?

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1 year ago

Because I generally don’t like supermarkets. I do not think this insane large-scale industrial processing of food is good. And all the superfluous stuff there is to buy just so that the shelves are full.

Meat and milk products I do not eat anyway, but I am not for all the highly processed vegan foods.

Good weekly markets, where you can buy the items fresh, also beans, cereals, legumes or the like in larger quantities – I find it ingenious.

1 year ago

If a supermarket wants to do this, I have no problems with it. we have free market economy. And if that supermarket comes over the laps, that’s a fine thing for then.

I don’t feel discriminated, I don’t have to go shopping there. Just as little as I have to buy in unpacked stores or second hand stores

1 year ago

from me, then perhaps the danger would not be so great to buy vegan cheese from mistake. Last week I even had vegan “Mett” in the shopping cart. I noticed it in time,

1 year ago

This is discrimination as only white ones can buy. Very extreme and not contemporary

Lol and I do not mean the option with the typing errors, but

I feel discriminated because there is not everything

1 year ago

In a normal supermarket there are usually no cars, bicycles, computers, telephones, washing machines and so on to buy. You’ll have to feel discriminated against all the time. Recently at a strange Edeka, where I had gone by bike, there were no bicycle stands there. I was a little annoying and asked the woman at the checkout something unrestrained: “Why are there no bicycle stands here?” She looked very confused and then said, “Travel stand? We can’t do that here. We’re a grocery store.” Then I realized that I had misunderstood and we both laughed,

1 year ago
Reply to  Aylamanolo

I don’t read it all through

1 year ago

That’s great:

  • People who go untargeted would buy vegan unconsciously.
  • Vegans would be relieved in their purchases.
  • The entry into veganism would be made easier and more attractive.
  • You would know what to support.
  • It would be a sign of social change.
  • The cliché of the monotonous vegan diet would be pushed back more.
1 year ago

It sounds like a lack of thinking. I buy at supermarket goods I want – and don’t avoid a supermarket because there are goods I don’t like. That’s 99% of the goods.

However, I am going to do this in a targeted way. If I want to buy food, I’m not going to a shoe store.

Try it.

1 year ago

I want someone to try to raise this, but I think it’s going to go back faster than it was.
Perhaps a mini-shop with this subject could stick to any IN neighborhoods of the corresponding city, but something almost larger in a normal neighborhood of an average city would not.
Much less special, much more general and easier to implement for the average human being, but with a rather poor acceptance, these are already unpacked stores. Even they don’t run unproblematic.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nill

I don’t know.
When unpacked Other may be offered, this may work, rather than alone themes rather not or at least difficult.

With us (Great City) a unpacked store has recently closed again because it did not run.

1 year ago
Reply to  T3Fahrer

So in the flower shop this works well.

1 year ago
Reply to  iq1000

That’s something completely different. You have a different drive to go there, there are no alternatives that you may feel more practical. The comparison is quite absurd.

It is still more straightforward to pick up a bouquet, as empty vessels for noodles, lentils, rice and whatever else with towing for shopping, as a flower bouquet that is fed to a finished paper.

1 year ago

And I just got the big style to make it feel like there’s shops at every corner. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be new because you bought all your stuff everywhere in the ’40s and ’50s.

1 year ago

And just because you had a forerunner over your school, it’s not yet a big-size offer for decades.

1 year ago

Yeah, just as insane as the question. For example, I don’t buy lenses. Must there be a supermarket that doesn’t offer lenses? That would be absurd.

1 year ago

Is a unpacked store more expensive? Otherwise, there are basic foods that are sold – whether I buy them now at approximately similar price in the supermarket in the plastic bag or loosely in this shop, then the inflation can be no matter – then it is probably the inner drive.

This may have been given to isolated shops that have offered unpacked things, but that has become a trend and you see such shops more often, are only a few years now.

1 year ago

The whole thing has only been in existence for a few years now. And the less stable and viable the financial and economic construct of a store is to your company, the more likely it is to report in other difficulties – for example, with an additional burden on inflation. Apart from the fact that the store hadn’t been open for a long time.

1 year ago

And I doubt that inflation is primarily due. It’s hard to buy loose things – and if you have to go to an extra store alone…

1 year ago

I just read it – most of the savings are now Edeka, some very small ones are supposed to be “over” – but I haven’t seen it since year(ten)en anymore…

1 year ago

Spar supermarkets?! They’ve been tightening years ago…

1 year ago

I like the beer filling plant. I would be more often;-)

I think the rest is good. In supermarkets I often find special plant things that I don’t find. I have a chance in such markets.

1 year ago

This will regulate the market, could already imagine that it will find customers depending on the location.

1 year ago

But only si long as there are alternatives where I everything can buy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nobbe54

you can’t go to any store everything buy. I’ve never seen a car store that sells eggs and butter,

1 year ago

I don’t care. I don’t break my head.

1 year ago

Alternatively or optionally.

1 year ago

There’s something like that: it’s called fruit and vegetable store.

Why do you need such a bullshit? If the products aren’t much cheaper than in normal stores, the whole grandiose will run into the empty, as it can’t be kept by the few vegans that there are.

1 year ago
Reply to  xNevan

Doesn’t have a right to exist

1 year ago
Reply to  Nill

It is. The addition of milk substitute does not make a significant difference. Moreover, it doesn’t change that you get all that you’d get there in a normal supermarket. There is no advantage.

1 year ago
Reply to  xNevan

This is relieving for people who don’t eat animal products. That’s what you need.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bodhgaya

I don’t drink alcohol either. That’s why it doesn’t need a non-alcoholic supermarket. I just don’t buy him.

1 year ago

It’s not a bad thing, it’s not a bad thing

If you mean.

Muslims also have their own supermarkets when you notice the net

I noticed, however, some buy in normal shops and have no problem with the selection of products.

1 year ago

Vegan is not allergy

It is true that it is a self-elected suffering and that you must now read for it is due to your own decisions.

Did not have a mosslem desire that has died of gelantine – as yet it is to give it to him

With the difference that Muslims can obviously read better than vegans. But interesting that you consider your diet as a religion.

1 year ago

There are much less dry alcoholics like vegans in Germany. And I really do not think that so many articles you take contain alcohol.

Let’s just start by using alcohol as a solvent in a variety of extracted and used in food flavors. Each fruit juice also contains small amounts of alcohol.

Or I saw bananas with a vegan logo.

Probably because bananas in contrast to make other fruits are not provided with a wax layer.

I have to look at the chocolate department until I found one with seals.

If as a vegan you don’t know what chocolate is vegan and which isn’t the sadness especially because it’s on every vegan chocolate.

What do you think of organic shops? They would have to be superfluous for you, too.

So are they.

1 year ago

Wow, you’re so beautiful naive. Talk to dry alcoholics what they can’t eat because there are small amounts of alcohol in it.

There are much less dry alcoholics like vegans in Germany. And I really do not think that so many articles you take contain alcohol.

Ohja, the whole Vegan logos are also extremely easy to overlook. There are hardly any protacts that are easier to identify than vegans.

They’re not everywhere, for example, on the Oreos.

Or I saw bananas with a vegan logo.

And even if there were vegan seals everywhere. I have to look at the chocolate department until I found one with seals.

What do you think of organic shops? They would have to be superfluous for you, too.

1 year ago

Not on all products is the veganlabel zb on baked

Of course there are vegan pastries with logo

I’ve never heard the dry alcoholic have become obscure by antipickelcrems

I’ve never heard that vegans died by real karmin.

1 year ago

I am not the one who thinks a vegan supermarket would be sensible or even necessary because I am too lazy to read.

1 year ago

The vegan would then no longer have to find out what is really vegan anymore.

Ohja, the whole Vegan logos are also extremely easy to overlook. There are hardly any protacts that are easier to identify than vegans.

It’s different with alcohol. You go out of the alcohol department & besides a few rumpralines are no longer confronted with the topic.

Wow, you’re so beautiful naive. Talk to dry alcoholics what they can’t eat because there are small amounts of alcohol in it.

1 year ago

There are 1000 products where animal products are hidden in supposedly vegan products. For example, not organic bananas, condoms, some chips, foreign beer, some wines or juices, shampoo and so on. The vegan would then no longer have to find out what is really vegan anymore.

It’s different with alcohol. You go out of the alcohol department & besides a few rumpralines are no longer confronted with the topic.

1 year ago

If you’re too lazy to read, that’s your thing.

1 year ago

I don’t care about it, but the business idea is actually silly and born and therefore would not have a future.

In order for capital investment to be worthwhile in a supermarket, appropriate sales are needed. Sensual artificial sales restrictions only hinder this. 🙂

This is at best a niche idea in the order of an aunt Emma-Laden – and there are reasons why the largely disappeared.

1 year ago
Reply to  Adtzec

In this case (pictures), the store belongs to Billa (Rewe) and is filed in an existing branch, i.e. separately separated. Rewe can’t care if it’s worth it or not. If the revenue is behind expectations, you can rebuild. Nothing easier than that.

This is at best a niche idea in the order of an aunt Emma store

Right, I agree with you and it’s just for a green, vegan label. Rewe 😉

1 year ago
Reply to  Jack98765

Yeah. The supermarkets and discounters all just have a vegan offer – and are therefore superior to the idea of the FS.

1 year ago

Humanity needs diversity, diversity – one-sidedness has never led to success.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nill

But clear, a baker and butcher are the perfect symbiosis – which complement each other superbly.

1 year ago

Humanity needs diversity, diversity – one-sidedness has never led to success.

1 year ago

The idea would be worth implementing.