Supermarkt Einkaufswagen….. bei uns hat jetzt der dritte Markt der Ketten abgeknipst, so das man die Wagen ohne Münze benutzen kann?

ist das jetzt Trennt? Oder ist das nur bei uns so? und warum geht das auf einmal?

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7 months ago

Cut? This must certainly be called ‘Trend’;-)
This is all about the respective market. The safety chains can be saved as 98 percent of all customers do not lock the car after use. And only 0.5 percent of all customers still use a piece of money to unlock.
In principle, I only use anti-driving agents. He’s hanging on my keychain. Since I usually drive with the wheel for shopping, I have additionally hooked a chip with holder on the steering rod, in case I forget the key collar. In addition, I have two chips in my wallet. I’ve got enough chips, I’ve ordered 50 pieces on eBay.

11 months ago

Many people are now no longer using the chips that you put in to unlock the shopping trolley, and you connect the car after shopping again to get your chip back, but there are now devices that you insert instead, unlock the car and can pull the device out again. When returning, people simply push the car without connecting it again. So many shopping carts remain unanswered. And some market, probably does not give up because it does not make a big sense.

11 months ago


Some people do this, others do not give up this system. I think it’s good, because you don’t always have small money with it (at times there are different systems) or you pay more with card. Then you lose the chip or forget it. I have a “unlocker” but I have forgotten and lost it. It’s too cumbersome and annoying.

Many markets with us completely dispense with the system, others separate the chains and completely other shops have systems with 0.5 €, 1€, 2 € or a combination system that can accommodate different coins.

11 months ago

The use of keys for this – I also have one – has become very natural. I’ll just put it back and find that I’m doing a favor to other people.

In the meantime, a lot of people just stand around. Basically, you don’t need to insert a chip anymore. Think the store will find that it doesn’t matter.

11 months ago

So we’ve got the backup chains everywhere. But sometimes you don’t need a chip because they’re so loose. But at least they’re clean.

The problem with the cars is theft and wild standing on the parking lot or in the botany.

11 months ago

I only know it at a single supermarket, but they never did that with the chains.

11 months ago

Cool. Nice to meet you. This isn’t the case with me. I’m happy when I catch a car that someone just left to stand like that.

11 months ago

Here with us only single cars

11 months ago

with us the third market of chains has cut off,

I’d take that as a deed of Vandalen.

11 months ago
Reply to  dummerharry

Until some are stolen. In some quarters, they’re dozens. Such a car costs about 300 € and more. It doesn’t want a dealer.

10 months ago

Possibly not quite 300 €, but good, which also offer some comfort, easy 200 € to 250 €, depending on the version.

10 months ago

What about the 300€? For 300€, they let things get real without maintenance.