Sun Express?
Hey, fliege im oktober in die türkei (Antalya) hab angst weil ich zuletzt 2016 geflogen bin fliegen mit sunexpress, es gab da ja mal eine sache in 2015 mit einem piloten der extra abgestürzt ist weil er probleme hatte habe angst das bei mir auch so ein pilot kommen wird.
Habe angst das wir abstürzen kann mir jemand helfen?
This is very unlikely. Since pilots and pilots need to be a doctor every year and there it is also checked whether everything is okay from the head…
It is also very unlikely that it will crash. Are you afraid of the pilot or the pilot?
I believe both.
Okay, on the subject of crash.
It is very very unlikely that a plane crashes, I know that you know it but keeps saying it to yourself. If possible, take a seat on the supporting surfaces. Whoever you travel to me is holding hands. And it’s easier said than done, but somehow distracts you. You may also use two facts:
-when an engine fails, an aircraft can continue to fly unrestrictedly.
– both can fly a plane without any problems for 20 minutes. I hope I could help you.
Thank you very much, I’ll use your tips and I didn’t know that about the engine.
Thank you.
Then don’t fly if you’re afraid.