Sumatrabarbe dicker bauch?
Hallo zusammen,
brauche eure Hilfe. Meine sumatrabarbe hat einen extrem dicken bauch. Er ist ungleichmäßig aufgebläht. Hab gestern die Fotos vor einem WW gemacht. Heute ist er unten am Bauch etwas rot. Er schwimmt nicht mehr mit seiner Gruppe herum und ist die ganze zeit an einem Fleck. Weiß jemand was das ist? Und ob er es übertragen kann?
The fish is completely deformed. You should blow him in.
Is by the way a five-belt bar (Desmopuntius pentazona)
Sumatrabarbs have 4 bandages and are higher.
Thought that would be sumatras.. embarrassing 😀 Then I will do that again. can only imagine how he got that.
I would like to learn something: I count only 4 black bandages (behind the pebbles, on/before the back fin, before the after fin, before the tail fin). Where is the 5th? 🤔
Only indicated above the eye 😉
Thank you. 🙂
Ui, it’s not good.
I think you can’t do anything for him anymore. Take him out and redeem him. It is best, in my opinion, to use oil. How many drops you need to give to what amount of water you will find out through Google yourself.
I’m sorry for your fish.