Suizidgedanken werden immer stärker?

Ich weiß einfach nicht mehr weiter und bin komplett überfordert weil die Gedanken so stark sind und ich nicht weiß was ich tun soll.

Würde mich über Ratschläge freuen

Danke schonmal im vorraus


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8 months ago

Talk to someone about it. It’s important someone knows. If you don’t have anyone and can’t stop thinking about 112. Acute suicide thoughts are just as dangerous as a heart attack.

8 months ago

Hello Baum1234282,

I’m sorry that you’re so bad and you’re suffering suicide thoughts! Have you ever thought of trusting your parents? That would be very important in such a situation! Sometimes parents can help better than you think. After all, you were the ones who gave you life and would like it to be good for you! Wouldn’t it be worth a try?

Even if they may not understand you right at first or you have the impression that they won’t take you seriously, it’s probably worth staying in conversation with them. Often you need several approaches to feel really understood when talking.

Many are not aware that suicide thoughts can be related to mental illness. If this is then properly treated, the suicide thoughts often disappear.

It would therefore be in any case (of course with the consent of your parents) to advise the doctor! This can be your pediatrician at first. If he finds a disease, he will talk to you about the possibilities of treatment.

It may be that you haven’t spoken to anyone yet about your recklessness. So find the conversation (except with a doctor) with someone who can help you competently (as I said, mainly with your parents). However, if this is not possible for some reason, you do not need to despair. There are people who can and want to help you!

A first point of contact could be, for example, telephone care. The numbers that are free of charge are: 0800-11 0 111 and 0800-111 0 222. In addition to conversations, you also have the opportunity to chat or exchange yourself by email. So, as you see, you don’t stand alone!

Do not underestimate the value of conversations to someone familiar (if he or she is old and mature enough to help you)! It may be that you have the impression that he or she does not fully understand you, but their interest in your well-being can do you very well!

And if you are lucky, there is someone who listens patiently, understandingly and empathy. But it’s important that you don’t wait until someone comes to you. Others cannot know what it looks like in your interior and what desperate thoughts you have to fight with. Even if it’s hard for you at first, go to someone who is competent to help you.

Suicide thoughts can be captured and dominated so that one can think of nothing else. Therefore, if any, try to distract you.

Do something you’ve always liked: maybe watch a favorite movie, take a nice walk or eat something delicious in a restaurant. It is important to do something that brings you to other thoughts and brings you back a bit of your old feeling of life.

Should But you have the impression that your suicide thoughts are no longer controllable and you gradually lose control over you, then don’t hesitate to let you go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital and inform your parents in any case!

Here’s one last thought: If you believe in God, you might have wondered if he could help you somehow. In the Bible, he gives us assurances that he will certainly fulfill! One of them is in the Book of Isaiah and is:

“I live in the high and holy place, but also in the smashed and depressed in the spirit, to revive the spirit of the depressed and the heart of the smashed” (Isaiah 57:15).

Isn’t it good to know that God sees our pain and is ready to give us new strength? We can contact him at any time and talk to him like a good friend!

I wish you will soon see new perspectives in your life and your thoughts of suicide will gradually disappear! Please don’t give up and take the help of others! And, if possible, also support your parents! All good and great strength!

LG Philipp

8 months ago

Hi, distract yourself and go out with friends.

8 months ago

In these questions I always answer the same..I always helped the very simple meditation at the time.. Just 20 minutes immediately after getting up thinking nothing. But no longer

Are you trying? It’s amazing!

And if yes, say

8 months ago

To the hospital and your acute suicidal thoughts. They’ll take you under mental observation.

8 months ago
Reply to  Baum1234282

Hospitals are subject to confidentiality. They don’t tell your parents.

8 months ago

Use Öffis or walk.