Mein Vater tut mir nicht gut und ich möchte nicht leben.
Mein Vater tut mir nicht gut und ich möchte nicht leben.
Welche Symptome sind da? Kann die Liebe Depression wegmachen?
sind es sorgen wenn ich mir denke was morgen alles passieren kann ???
PSychopath=Antisoziale Persönlichkeitsstörung
Moin, auch wenn der Fragetitel komisch ist, brauche ich bitte eine Problemlösung. Ich bin 15 und habe extremst große Probleme mit Selbstbefriedigung. Wenn ich einpaar tage das nicht tue, werde ich sehr reizbar und aggressiv. Aber wenn ich es zu oft tue habe ich keine Energie und fühle mich jedes mal schämend. Mein ziel ist…
Es gibt ganz selten Tage wo ich mich unwohl fühle Was könnte ich dagegen tun ?
Ich habe immer ein komisches Geräusch in meinen Ohren und ich denke es ist kein Tinnitus. Es ist ein kwitschendes Geräusch es tritt immer immer dann auf wenn man entweder daran denkt oder wenn es ganz leise ist. Oder wenn ich ganz entspannt bin also im Bett. Es nervt sehr und ich weiss nicht wie…
I’m so sorry, but don’t do it! This is not worth it, life is really beautiful 🙂
You might have had bad cards, but you can still win the round, you just have to play with them. And you can!
I’m so sorry.
You must have other content in life except your incapable father.
Please go to a clinic and let you help. Talks about pastoral care can also be helpful and tell you what you can do.
How old are you? The Youth Office can also help you.
Don’t worry, it’s NOT worth it.
Don’t you think you’d better get involved? They’ll take care of you. Where’s your mother? Do you have siblings?
I see. Unfortunately, parents sometimes have little insight into their misconduct, which is not even so rare. And the children suffer from it. But unfortunately you can’t assign the parents. Do your siblings know how you are? Are they older or younger than you?
I could introduce my mother no idea my siblings are at mid
Bullshit, you can’t undo that anymore and there’s help everywhere for such cases. Turn to the number against grief:
Please contact the telephone services.
Suicidal announcements must be forwarded to the police. You know that?
You can call the 112 and get you to the clinic.
If that’s a joke, it’s not funny…
No no one should kill it now is all good
I have no good
I told you to the moderators of GutFrage. They decide how to proceed.
Happy you!
From “I have a suicide and take my life” to “all good” in 30 minutes is not credible.
If you really want to take your life so urgently, you need help now. You’re 18, you write. It can be very good that you would be happy to survive if you survived a suicide attempt. Sometimes you just need help from outside and get out of the environment. If you write such things here instead of getting your help, we do. That’s okay, too.
Here people are reading. People who are also living tired. People who also need acute help instead of “Take care, people!” And people who are worried about you now.
No run that is not all good
Okay. Then I’ll take this to the police so you can get help. If you write, you will take your life. And others still recommend doing this is real…not okay.
That’s not a joke
“I like to shock and I enjoy the time with my girlfriend.”
What happened? But not really your producer…
But if you want to die, why are you talking about it?
You’re not kidding. You know that?
Why joke?
I don’t know what to think about this post.
I’m not kidding
I think it wasn’t meant soooo very seriously. Of course you can fool yourself.
what is not to understand?