Wieso ist suizid so verpöhnt? Es sollte doch jeder Mensch darüber entscheiden können ob er leben will oder nicht?
Wieso ist suizid so verpöhnt? Es sollte doch jeder Mensch darüber entscheiden können ob er leben will oder nicht?
Ich Träumte vorletzte Nacht das ich in der Schule im Klassenzimmer saß und eine Schlange aus dem nichts her kam. Ich versuchte sie ständig mit der Hand abzuwehren, aber sie kam immer wieder zu mir. Irgendwann erwischte sie mich und ich fiel zu Boden und da schlängelte sie sich um meinen Körper und biss mich…
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Hallo Leute, vielleicht kann mir hier jemand weiterhelfen. Ich W/20 habe eine PTBS. In den letzten Tagen geht’s mir echt gar nicht gut. Ich hänge die ganze Zeit in so einer gedrückten Stimmung fest, möchte am liebsten die ganze Zeit weinen und kriege immer wieder Tränen in die Augen. Ich fühle mich einfach unfassbar einsam…
Hallo, ich habe in jungen jahren angefangen zu kiffen ungefähr mit 12-13 und habe vor kurzem also knapp 3 monaten aufgehört da ich immer wieder an Angstzuständen leide. Zum Jetzigen Zeitpunkt bin ich 15 Jahre alt und höre weiterhin Stimmen und sehe menschen die mir Sachen befehlen, menschen die meine Freunde und Mitmenschen aber nicht…
Hallo, ich wollte hier mal nach Erfahrungen fragen. Ich weiß gar nicht wie ich anfangen soll. Mein Vater ist seit (geschätzt) 5 Jahren alkoholkrank. Ich würde nicht behaupten, dass er starker Alkoholiker (aber ich kenne mich auch nicht gut aus…) ist, er trinkt nur abends und hat sein Leben tagsüber relativ „im Griff“. Er trinkt…
Hey Leute habe mich eben ausversehen auf ner hauptstraße vom vierten in den dritten verschaltet obwohl ich in den 5. Gang wollte … ärgerlich was kann passieren? Hab bisschen angst Lg :/
In principle, I believe that everyone should be allowed to determine his life. Especially when it comes to helping death.
However, I have to do with suicides as an operational force and many commit suicides out of an actuary psychic cries. Often there are smaller things that bring the barrel to pass and then are the trigger for it (e.g. moving to the retirement home, job quitting or a 5 in ner school work). For people it is then a hopeless situation that they cannot escape themselves and they then see the suicide as the only solution. However, if you help these people to survive this cries and show them that there are other possibilities, then many can regain joy with professional support. Personally, it is an incomprehensible waste of life when a physically healthy person takes life. Especially if the person is not 18 years old and thinks that life must be over because of a bad note.
A case in which I would understand a suicide would be that the person, for example, has cancer in the final stage and does not want to suffer 2 months in the hospital. However, in my opinion, this is the fault in the system, as there is no death aid for such patients and they are looking for a tree alone in the forest as a single way out, instead of allowing them to sleep peacefully with their family.
Because it does not solve the problem and the effects on others are shifted.
There are situations in which the free death has only a minimal impact on the survivors, death aid, for example, and yes, it is basically your decision, absolute, but the consequence does not only concern you alone, but it affects all others.
everyone can always determine whether he wants to live or not
No. For example, if you get caught suicidal when you try to suicide, you get into the psychatry.
Hello, what do you mean, no? D:
No one who really wants it will have the right to determine itself.
Because it’s not a natural thing to want to die. Other people in the environment can also suffer very long.
Because it’s terrible for relatives and witnesses, and the reason of the suicide would often have been treatable.
Because suicide = death = taboo topic of many
Basically correct
and yet you should consider whether the suicide is really the only way!
Often the suicidal idea/suicidal reason is no longer a reason in a few days/weeks.
Because you actively harm other people with the suicide. One adds suffering to people and chooses the easy way out.
So you think he’s justifiable to keep living from someone who goes through hell every day, because his relatives might otherwise be “faithful”? Who’s more selfish?
Sad is not a description. People can suffer for years or even many decades. In addition, the reasons for the suicide are often treatable. And yes, I ask that you sometimes put your own needs in the back. We are people and as such we can see what our actions have for consequences. Whoever deals himself is deeply immoral and proves his egoism.
I agree
Should you decide on a lsd trip?