Suicid Squad mit 12?
Hi ich bin 12 und würde gerne Suicid Squad sehen, da ich die Story interessant finde. Meine Eltern meinen, dass sie eigentlich Filme ab 16 erlauben, doch angeblich geht es in diesem Film nur um Gewalt. Ich wollte fragen wie ihr das seht.
Very much disproportionate violence. I only found him good for the second time.
The movie lives of effects, the story is lame.
The first part with this witch was still in order. The second part with the dictator and this experiment monster went too far. Unnecessarily many heroes die to bring a stupid flax sweat. There’s no story. Many die before the character can even develop. It is not only the cruelty but also the brazing that a 12-year-old should not look.
Suicide squad with 12 is too early. Find funny how more small children were interested in it and plushies of it had ect.
*Suicide squad