Süchtig Xanax?
Ich hab bis jz insgesamt 17 mg innerhalb 2-3 Wochen zu mir genommen also nehme es nicht seit langem und hab es nie 2 Tage hintereinander genommen aber ich habe seit paar Tagen ein richtig starkes Verlangen es zu nehmen sobald ich nur etwas gestresst bin oder überreizt oder genervt bin. Hab es aus diesem Grund bisher nur einmal genommen und dann 2 mg auf einmal (gestern)
aber geht dieses Verlangen weg wenn ich ab sofort damit aufhöre oder bleibt das ab jz für immer? Ich habe gelesen das man das Verlangen danach nie loswird , auch wenn man schon paar Jahre clean ist🥲
bin auch aktuell auf Cannabis enzug
Xanax is the US brand name for the active ingredient Alprazolam. In Germany the drug Tafilin Austria xanor and in Switzerland as in the USA (so Xanax)… also generics are available.
Alprazolam is a drug from the group of benzodiazepines which is primarily used in acute severe psychiatric anxiety. Due to the high dependence potential of benzodiazepines, treatment with alprazolam should take place as short and as low dosed as possible. In practice, alprazolam is used only as an emergency medication for punctual use and only until another, non-testing, medicinal product acts.
The usual dose of alprazolam is 0.5 mg if necessary. Often, however, 0.25mg is sufficient. In severe cases, 1 mg are also necessary. The maximum daily dose is 6mg, divided into 3 doses (morning lunches) each at max. 2mg… which is enormous.
Alprazolam has a highly soothing and stress-reducing effect. So it is not surprising that in situations that are characterized by tension, restlessness and stress, you are thinking of alprazolam. This happens sooner or later, the latest when circumstances have changed again. In addition, you should be aware that Alprazolam is just a supposed solution. In the long term, the consumption of this drug is counterproductive. Not only due to the potential dependence and tolerance development, but also regarding your mental development. If you don’t learn to deal with stressful situations without chemistry, you’ll always grab the tablets.
I’ll tell you from experience. I have various benzodiazepines, alprazolam (Xanax) was my benzo for the day and diazepam for the night, about 1 1/2 years in really high doses and daily abused and then naturally addicted, even badly physically dependent.
After 3 weeks of withdrawal in a clinic, there were still a few small falls, but since 2011 I haven’t taken any more.
In some situations, I think about it, but it will be less and less the longer it is.
The first two years were hard, but I cut off the access possibilities myself.
You’re probably not really dependent yet, but there’s something like a search memory.
You will never forget that there is something that makes life more bearable.
You have to live with this knowledge.
You’re in the middle of the addiction and this crowd wouldn’t write a psychiatrist
You also call it Xanax so you knowingly bought it black to abuse it.
You realize that you want more and more and that’s the risk of benzos
Go to the psychiatry and please help
Wouldn’t it help if I could take Nix from now on? Why direct psychiatry
Because you’re on cannabis withdrawal and want to get rid of Xanax, which is called Alprazolam in this country,
.that can not be good for the body and head
Under medical supervision, you would be really better off
There are many like-minded
Thank you.
Hi, you look at this with the ciff, I find it very good! And also the Xanax behind you. These are important steps for you in a life without addiction.
Please contact your search consultancy. In your interest. That’s anonymous.
You can also ask anonymously and without obligation at the consultancy services that I called in other answers. Whether you’re addicted or not you can’t fix it here. If you’re afraid to make it on holiday, it’s a sign that you’re either short of addiction or already in.
Please look for solutions, evacuation, in your life there seems to be something very unconsistent that I take your questions. Don’t worry. You have responsibility for your health. Drug addiction also means a high stress for the body!
There are certain help for you when you are ready to accept them! Look what suits you. If you feel uncomfortable at home, you can probably get out there with the help of the Youth Office. You can also request anonymously. When you tell them about the ciffs and the Xanax, they will care about your health. And if the causes are in your home, there are ways to get out. Or other ways, there are some possibilities for you, with or without excerpt. But only who you’re looking for.
Jer tends to stop the less you think the “learning effect” that it is important for you. This is always individual. It’s important now that you look at it. To combat the addiction or the upcoming addiction at this early stage.
There are also self-help groups, ask in a self-help office in your area, who advise you anonymously on the phone, which can be interesting for groups in your life situation. The topic of addiction and family:
How to find a 2 sample
: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=selfhiflekonstelle+Rosenheim&ia=web
Every addiction gets started with enough willpower, even those for Xanax. The fabric is not to be underestimated, be careful with it and stay strong.
have I been looking for? I am very thinking of taking it with in vacation for a week because i h not know if I can make 1 week without it
I would say you stand at the beginning of the addiction, so to speak with a leg in it.
Leave her home. Just a holiday should be ideal for not needing it.
And “become” after that not again when you are back and proud or calm a week without having come out.
Well, “Search” is probably a piece of far interpretation. That you have a desire for it at least indicates.