Addicted to nasal spray what should I do?
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Hello… I need your help or rather, I simply don't know what to do…. I'm male and 18, or in 5 months already 19.. Unfortunately, I drink at night. Either until I'm tipsy, or usually even drunk. For months now—about three, and before that, also three months. Towards the end, I'd have a bottle of…
In addition, buy salt water spray and gradually replace it. You can then just leave it or use it as you like.
Try to keep up with a friend or any responsible adult. Since no signs of withdrawal are known to me in nasal spray, cold withdrawal helps. Empty the liquid completely in the mülleimer and make sure you don’t get back to new ones.
Hope I could help…
Either cold withdrawal or if the bottle is half empty it is to fill up/dilute salt solution or even normal lead water whenever it is half empty after 1-3 passages simply should leave it complete even without coming through
The question is whether the withdrawal alone brings you relief, or whether there are anatomical problems that hinder the nasal nude. That’s why you should do this:
1. Take it away.
Two. Make appointment at HNO.
3. Test allergy and anatomy of the nose.
4. Let me talk.
With withdrawal it is simply relevant that it takes a few days and in time the nose is very much swollen, but that is better by itself. You just have to stop the time, then you’ll sleep a few nights badly. But it can be that the improvement after withdrawal is not sufficient if you have any further problems.
I would also substitute as the other user said, it might also be with nasal oil.
Let yourself be advised by an HNO doctor if there are other problems.
How do I get rid of a nasal spray?
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Finally out of the nasal spray search – Pronova BKK
How long does the pampering of nasal spray take?
Depending on the method of reconciliation and duration of dependency can stop withdrawal symptoms 2 to 3 weeks, but even after a few days. It is particularly important for success that the initial phase, in which many withdrawal will be relapsed.
Nose spray addiction – How to combat dependency
Slowly pamper.
Sea salt spray does not cause damage.
But unfortunately also uses 0.
Do not use it anymore. It’s unpleasant at first and the nose is closed, but that’s better
Smell me