Süchtig nach Mc Donalds?
He ich war letzte Woche 2 oder 3 mal bei McDs v.a. in der Mittagspause. Esse sonst gesund, aber das Verhalten hat sich eingeschlichen. War nachts auch bei 2 Mäc Doofs und wollte happsie machen, aber zum Glück hatten sie schon zu. Bin ich schon süchtig?
Was kann ich zur Entwöhnung machen? Es gibt kaum Alternativen in der Gegend für die Mittagspause (was da ist ist entweder zu teuer oder zu eckelhaft).
from home for lunch break
Well, I need something hot?
At noon what to eat cold and evening hot
mcs is also very expensive.
Do it like many others and take something from home.
I also have a lot of money
Then what do you complain about being too expensive elsewhere?
Bring food from home.
Always make mealprep for 3-4 days, save money and can feed you healthy
I am always on the axle and in the evening after work at Pennen on weekends or have a female visit or outdoor use
You’re setting your priorities.
If these things are more important than your diet, you have your answer and don’t have to change anything.
Look regularly on your account, I always do and if you have used up the money there is no more mcdonalds
Yeah, obviously it tastes you there. Don’t worry, it’s over.
I am ashamed of