Süchtig nach Börse – Ein Form von Glückspielsucht, Börsenstrategie?

Ich bin seit 2 Jahren dabei mir ein Aktien/ETF-Depot aufzubauen. Dabei lese ich viel, Bücher, in Foren und mit anderen Mitstreitern führe ich oft Diskussionen, wie ein ideales Depot ausschaut und ob Aktien (Einzeltitel) oder/und ETFs das richtige sind. Gelesen habe ich beispielsweise Kostolany und J. Siegel “Aktien für die Ewigkeit. Dabei ändere ich (aktuell noch?) sehr häufig meine Strategie, also mal paar Aktien verkauft und andere gekauft oder Sparplan auf ETF eingerichtet, nach ein paar Monaten wieder gelöscht. Letztlich freut sich mein Broker (consorsbank) bestimmt mächtig über meine Aktivitäten. Mit den Börsenengagements bin ich zwar nicht im Minus, aber der Markt (SP500, MSCI World) sind stärker gestiegen als mein Depot (nach Abzug der Kosten).
Keine Katastrophe, aber irgendwie auch nicht optimal. Welche Strategie verfolgt ihr an der Börse?
Handelt ihr auch manchmal wild hin- und her?

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1 year ago

Hello JensH107, I think it’s good that you’re thinking about your mess and a possible danger of addiction! In fact, people who have lost control of their dealings with the stock exchange and have thus sometimes got into serious difficulties come to me. So this addiction is really there!

As far as you are concerned, you could check with the following 9 criteria. There are the official features of a gambling addiction, of which at least 4 would have to be fulfilled for a dependency diagnosis: 1. Unsatisfied attempts to limit or stop gambling 3. Unrest and irritability in these attempts 4. Frequent employment with the topic, even if you are not playing 5. Frequent playing with negative feelings (e.g. sadness, worry, fear, anger…), 6 games to compensate for financial consequences of the back-lying game 7. Continue playing in important areas of life, such as work or partnership/family 9. Leave for financial support by other persons.

I wish you all the best! If you have any questions, you can send me a friendship request!

1 year ago

You can really overdo everything ===> then search.

This can be a game of luck, and that’s what happens with the stock exchange.

And depending on the bet (and selection of shares), the stock exchange is nothing but a kind of gambling.

1 year ago
Reply to  BurkeUndCo


1 year ago
Reply to  BurkeUndCo

probably you are right

1 year ago

I’m similarly long (again) active on the topic – but I bought my first share about 25 years ago. In the beginning, I’ve been struggling around, but now my plan stands for the next ten years.

My central principles are called diversification and “buy and hold”.

Most of my depot build-up is done through savings plans. Many of them are no longer touched by around 2030.

1 year ago

The best strategy… buy cheap, sell expensive.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sparrow75

Or sell expensive and buy cheap (lease sale)

1 year ago
Reply to  TraderJoe455


1 year ago

😅 Ups.

1 year ago

I know!!!

I was just happy to see how you have conquered the simple saying (cheap, expensive.) – respect.

1 year ago

There is. I do daily.

1 year ago

– Buy and hold, savings plan on the A1JX52

1 year ago
Reply to  Sophonisbe

Yes, is highly recommended. Have you always used this strategy?

1 year ago

No, of course not. 🙃

Single shares for about 30 years. Then in the last decade, a colorful collection of active funds and ETFs are turned over to a combination of MSCI World and EM, and for about 4 years only the A1JX52 is saved.

1 year ago

An interesting development, I feel at the beginning of this path. So far I had a lot of individual titles, once an ETF, then I had read from Vanguard All World, which was too simple to me and I think about adding to Small Cap ETF and Emerging Market ETF.

Somehow I see parallels, okay you were certainly more successful…

Thank you for your comment

1 year ago

What strategy are you following on the stock exchange?

Buy and Hold. Smooth saving of A2PKXG per monthly savings plan

Do you sometimes go wild?

No. Back and back make bags empty

1 year ago
Reply to  xxxcyberxxx

Thank you. So de thesaurieren All World by Vanguarf

1 year ago

Exactly, the Vanguard FTSE All-World as thesaurier

1 year ago

Maybe I should pull my soiel drive and switch to an ETF.

Even if it is difficult

1 year ago

What strategy are you following on the stock exchange?

Back and back make bags empty.

I analyze, buy and keep mind. 10 years (with very few exceptions). -> Buy and Hold.

Every 6 months I rebalance to keep the ratios of individual positions in balance.

Currently approx. 10% average annual yield in 10 years average.

1 year ago
Reply to  kevin1905

Thank you.
Are you investing in shares or ETFs? Respect for so much perseverance I still lack

1 year ago
Reply to  kevin1905

With me, pockets are full;)

1 year ago

I’m only on my way with leverage at short notice.

Rarely, I keep my position longer than a day.

What you’re doing is no addiction that would be close to gambling.

1 year ago

You seem to have read yourself well. This is quite important for success.

I guess you’re running a logbook about every trade. Instead of constantly looking for new strategies, look into your logbook and find out the successful trades.

Which indicators have prompted you to buy (or sell if short)?

For example, I have had very good experience with LULU and MDB Earnings Crush. For years 1, 2 days before the Earnings I have made a trade at very high IV – and the day after that the IV goes into the cellar and I stand out with profit.

There are many things you can do when you have a plan.