Suche eine Kamera für Sportfotografie (Canon)? Welche ist wohl gut und preiswert?

Hey Leute, ich suche als noch teilweise Anfängerin eine gute aber noch bezahlbare Canon Kamera die besonders gut in der Sport-Fotografie zu handhaben ist. Ich fotografiere Fußball und Wakeboarder das heißt ziemlich schnelle Sportarten. Ich hatte bisher die Canon EOS 1200d und hatte jetzt die Canon EOS 750d im Auge bin mir aber nicht ganz sicher, vielleicht gibt es ja noch eine bessere. Danke schonmal im Voraus 🙂

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4 months ago

If you want to stay with DSLR: The 750D is okay for sports, but for a faster series image rate I would rather grab a 70D (7 pictures sec instead of 5). You can find them even cheaper than a 750D. Or to the 77D, which also offers much more AF points (45 cross sensors), but “only” shoots 6 pictures/sec.

The camera can be found on Ebay classifieds for cheap 300€. Or to MPB for ~450€ with 1 year warranty.

Used Canon EOS 77D | MPB

With even higher models such as the 80D or Canon’s last DSLR, the 90D you will naturally drive better again, but then also cost more.

Good mirrorless models would be the EOS M50 and the M6 Mark II.

4 months ago

If you want to stay with DSLR, of which I would seldom guess, then I would rather look at 2-digit (70D up) or even the 7D MK2. They are also needed at low prices. If it should remain Canon, however, the look into the R10, R50, R100 would not be wrong. You don’t have a mirror anymore, the AF runs on the sensor level and can therefore detect and track faces… Suitable RF lenses are also relatively fast in autofocus, which is possibly still quite sluggish by the focus motor in older EF(-S). I’d rather get in touch with you. Think that you get more fun and much more of the invested money. Also, because a large part of the image counts as AF points at the same time and you are not only dependent on a slow contrast AF in the liveview, or on a few phase AF points that have to lie on the motif…

A 750D would, in my opinion, be a waste of money if you had a 1200D… The jump would be too small for me that it would be worthwhile… And the 7D MK2 is already under €500 for retailers. That would be an enormous advance… When switching to the RF system (mirrorless) the old Canon lenses would also be usable with adapters, but a depth on RF lenses would be quite advisable…

4 months ago


now the Canon APS-C DSLR “Sportskanonen” in ranking

  • EOS 7DII (used from 400€)
  • EOS 7D (used from 225€)
  • EOS 80D (used from 350€)
  • EOS 77D (used from 300€)
  • EOS 70D (used from 200€)
  • EOS 50D (used from 75€)
  • EOS 60D (used from 150€)

EOS 750D are used at 250€

The 3-digit DSLR are braked or saved compared with 2 actuators and the 2 actuators are braked against 1 actuators. The Semi Pro cameras get “target computers” and therefore have more perception or hit rate in unconstant situations

With Canon, there are different fast focusing optics, in principle you have to buy real ring USM types so no Micro USM. Fast camera with lame optics brings less speed than middle class camera with faster optics

So a proposal for 250€ budget would be

EOS 50D (used from 75€)

EF 28-105/3.5-4.5 USM II (used from 75€)

EF 100-300/4.5-5.6 USM (used from 50€)

Football is not a “fast” sport if you are standing in the towing boat at the wakebord, that is a slow sport, that should be enough for the 1200D with fast optics

4 months ago

Why a mirror reflex? Why don’t you get a useless mirrorless that gives you motif recognition? Would take a lot off you, especially with such faster things.

4 months ago
Reply to  Emma0816

Mirror reflex was the advanced camera technology in the times of analog film.

Since there are good digital sensors and good electronic displays and electronic searchers, the folding mirror has been superfluous and technically outdated.

Therefore modern cameras dispense with such mirrors, but can do the same or more than the previous mirror reflex cameras. These new cameras become as Mirrorless system cameras denotes.

4 months ago

Have you ever considered keeping the camera and investing in a fast lens? Fast with regard to both light intensity and autofocus?

is not wrong: I would also say that for a real improvement, you should take a 7d in your eye.

4 months ago

Very bad wish combination.

Good sports cameras are the absolute high-end range of camera technology.

Because for sports you need an extremely good and fast autofocus.

And fast image sequence, i.e. extremely high internal computing power.

And for reasonable exposure times then extremely expensive lenses with large opening.

==> Forget the adjective “priced” in real sports cameras, because such cameras, whether from Canon, Nikon or Sony, are each the most expensive model of their product series.

4 months ago
Reply to  Emma0816

Okay, then the old rule applies: better always goes.

The product range of all camera companies is quite extensive.

Take the camera from your favorite manufacturer (you can continue to use your lenses) which, with current technology (AF speed etc.), delivers the fastest image sequence that you can still pay (meaning the camera model).

Settings with regard to exposure time and aperture, which can be used for sports recordings, are possible with each camera.