Suche eine gute „prepaid“ Kreditkarte die wirklich kostenlos ist?
Und zwar suche ich eine ‘’prepaid’’ Kredidkarte, die wirklich kostenlos ist. Das heißt keine Jahresgebühren, keine Zinsen, keine versteckten Kosten. Ich möchte mit dieser Karte nur Geld überweisen können aber ohne einen Limit. Ich habe kein Bankkonto, brauche ich eins?
Ich gebe Ihnen jetzt ein Beispiel:
Ich habe mein Bargeld zb. 500€. Diese möchte ich auf diese Kreditkarte einzahlen können. Danach kann ich die Karte benutzen und den Betrag für den Kauf überweisen. Also die Karte wird zur Überweisung dienen. Und in Geschäften möchte ich sie auch nutzen können zum bezahlen. Suche so eine Karte. Welche könnt ihr mir empfehlen?
No offer of a free prepaid card is known to me.
Alternative: Opening a free current account, which includes a free debit card (Mastercard or Visa). free of charge, for example, the C24 smart, depending on the age and monthly payment receipt, other providers are also eligible, such as Consorsbank, DKB or ING.
Since no prepaid card has been found here for free after 11 hours. Tip. Take the one from Advancia (www, . Is officially not a prepaid, but you can deposit money in advance so that you are in the plus. Just have to be careful that you do not slip into the minus, (ab) invoice once a month.
If you find one, please contact me. I’d take it for my grandson, too.
There is no credit card to which you could deposit cash.
It would not make sense to be able to use a credit card only if it had a credit card. Where’s the loan?
What are you dreaming about? Oh, you don’t have a current account, and you still want to own a credit card.
What you’re dreaming about is not there. What’s the problem of getting you a current account? You could pay with the EC card as well.
How unfriendly can you be? You think I don’t have any knowledge and want to inform me here? What is this page for? And then what are the rechargeable credit cards if you can’t deposit money?
There are prepaid cards. But these aren’t real credit cards because you don’t get a loan, but you can only spend the money you paid in before. Without linking to a current account, there is no credit card, whether prepaid, or if it is really a credit card.
But I still haven’t understood why you don’t want to pay a current account?
That one? So without any extra costs that really amount to 0€? I don’t think so.
There are free current accounts.
A current account isn’t free, is it? How much do I have to pay annually/monthly? These are extra costs. I get normal pocket money, so to speak, sometimes I save something then it’s more and sometimes I don’t have anything. And if I don’t have so much money, how should I pay the account fee? Don’t go. And I’ll get the card if I order something online to transfer it that was then too. I just wanted to find my own “alternative” to pay my online purchases and not always ask Papa about it.
Then I still don’t understand why you don’t assign a current account to you? What is this supposed to have to do with ‘financially stable’?
You can spend money only if which is available.
Does your father actually give you his credit card including PIN?
Because maybe I’m not financially as stable as anyone? But if I have my money, that’s enough for spending. Live with my family and are not financially independent yet. That’s why I wanted a prepaid card so I could transfer my purchases myself. Always have to take the map of Papa and I find it doof. Maybe I put myself wrong, so it doesn’t have to be a credit card. I just want to deposit my cash no matter what kind and then transfer/ payments can make for online purchases. I don’t want to use the map of Papa anymore.