Such dir dein nächstes Reiseziel aus. Bezahlen musst du nichts & du bekommst Urlaub. Welches dieser Länder wählst du?
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Hi, ich fahre morgen Kanu und überlege nun, ob ich meine Brille aufsetze oder Kontaktlinsen trage. Bei meiner Brille ist das Problem, dass ich keine Sonnenbrille tragen kann und dass sie (falls das Kanu umfällt) verloren oder kaputt gehen kann. Deshalb habe ich mir überlegt, meine weichen Kontaktlinsen zu tragen, aber es besteht ja die…
Was ist das für eine Flagge?
Hi , interessiert mich einfach
This is a nice selection where the decision is difficult. Although I was in Canada several times, I would prefer the country as a destination, as the diversity of impressive landscapes (e.g. Rocky Mountains, Pacific Coast and Vancouver Island) is simply overwhelming. Since I was there last time before Corona, I would like to refresh the memories and report back to the bears, elks and whales…
I’m glad I could help you. Thank you for the star!
In Canada and Finland I was already, both fascinating destinations. Japan, Vietnam and Brazil are less interested in me.
What is still on my to-do list from the countries mentioned would be Greenland. A country that has remained largely spared by tourist streams and has to offer impressive (ice) landscapes.
Do you know someone who was in Greenland before?
No, but the North has always fascinated me. Has already traveled all Scandinavia including the Faroe Islands and Iceland. I have only known Greenland from documentaries and travel brochures. Therefore, my desire to steer this most beautiful island in the world.
I always wanted to go. Had the choice between Brazil and Hong Kong and bath renewal in Abu Dhabi then! I chose the latter!
America Asia and Africa are the continents where I have been as a holiday so I would choose Brazil.
you will not regret flying to Canada, believe me.
With dog sled in winter.
That’s right. It’s really cool.
I think…
none of them.
Lapland, winter.
With Huskys! It’s really horny…
No one of them
it seems like you’re bored.
I love New Zealand
I’d be there too.