Substitution bei Erwartungswerten?

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Dabei verstehe ich bei der b) die Substitution mit 1+e nicht. Woher kommt die und was bewirkt sie hier?


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1 year ago

You mean 1-e? And that’s not a substitution (if I guess your mind is right).

If the game is lost, the bet is gone, so “win” -e, logical.

g=0 from the starting table does not mean (what you could misinterpret) that it returns the bet, but that you get 1 €, and that is “random” 0 € at 1 € bet. If you use e €, you will win -e € bet +1 € payout = 1-e €.

Accordingly, g=1 means that you get 2 € paid out (original: -1 € bet plus 2 € payout = +1 € payout for the player; in general: -e € bet plus 2 € payout = -e+2 € = 2-e €), and g=4, there is 5 € in case of profit for the player, therefore now 5 € as a win.