Sturm, Orkan. Fahren Züge?
ich habe heute ein Vorstellungsgespräch für eine Ausbildungsstelle, aber ich weiß nicht, ob es für möglich ist, wegen des Sturms Zug und Bus zu fahren. Ich hab ziemlich Angst, weil ich ein Fliegengewicht bin und bei normaler hoher Windgeschwindigkeit schon nach hinten gedrückt werde. Kommt es blöd rüber, wenn ich da anrufe und frage, ob mein Vorstellungsgespräch online stattfinden kann? Lg
Hello! Could someone drive you? Neighbors or relatives? Friends?
Maybe trains are off, which was announced. Depends on the route.
If you were in the woods, I would have thought…
Good morning philipshx,
If you actually cancel your performance due to the storm, this will not be seen positively by the company you are applying to, and doubt your interest in this job.
An online interview is not possible!
Even if you’re a flyweight, you’re not going to fly ‘of’.
Explore whether public transport continues to travel. If not, let your mother drive you, neighbors, friends, taxi…
If, then you can only ask for a new personal presentation.
Just remember. if the company says that only today it would be possible to imagine or the like and then you appear there, then you are already very unworthy as to your previous concern.
If you don’t appear, you’ll have the chance to do an apprenticeship.
It can’t stay home today because storm is.
I don’t think that’s gonna get over. On the contrary, it shows that you’re thinking and in the weather you really should just get out if it doesn’t matter…
In Germany, train traffic is generally stopped by storm.
You can ask directly after an online appointment or a shift
If it’s not at the fire department…
However, I would first ask myself if the route is to be managed with Öffis. Then call and ask or postpone the appointment.
So you have the chance to arrive there on time even with a “no”.
You could try to move the date. I’m sure you understand that.
Whether your route is running, you can check out on very quickly and ask for another appointment.
Has a warning been issued for your circle?
Not every company has the opportunity to talk online.
I would try to get there unless there is a warning
Yes, it is a warning
Maybe the wind blows you right to the workstation and you save the bus.
Fun on page
I would definitely ask more than a “no” you can’t get and no one will blame you
The train is hard enough not to fly.
Even when you’re in the job, you’ll never get good.
Apart from the fact that the train is set….
Depends on where this is…