Stuka model, wie Modifiziere es zu RC ?
hi, möchte gern dieses stuka bastel model holen und bauen und fliegen.
Man kann es auch RC Modifizieren und es gibt keine richtige anleitung wie man das macht,auf You Tube so: “So hier ist das model fertig gebaut das mit den kabeln und so wisst ja, ja Trolololol”.
kann mir jemand sagen was ich brauche und wie ich es mache das würde mich freuen.
(hab auch gedacht einfach ein anderes fertig RC model ausschlachten und irgendwie die kabel wieder in diesen stuka model reinpopeln)
For models of this size, tenths of grams are expected. Especially in this wing geomentry, which, due to the very sharply tapering outer wings, tends to a rather sudden flow break. In this size, the Junkers double wings (which in principle are permanently extended gap flaps) do not work properly because one cannot force air to squeeze through such narrow gaps. In addition, the model has to fly a bit slowly, in order to only have an indicative performance in the air.
Without experience in the construction of very filigree, very light balsa models, including particularly light stress, this becomes nothing. And not without particularly carefully selected RC and drive technology. Such dwarves are also challenging.
then I’d rather get a revell model to put
In plastic models, I always advise to googlen before buying after reviews of the respective kit. There are very good and low-due construction kits and in some cases still forms from the 60s are used today, which are now completely exhausted.