Studium verzweifelt hilfe?
ich bin gerade im ersten Semester und am verzweifeln. Ich studiere Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen und mir fällt es echt unheimlich schwer. Ich habe bald schon Prüfungsphase (anfang Februar) und kann gefühlt noch nichts obwohl ich mich setze und versuche zu lernen. Vorallem in Mathe1 und Statistik bin ich komplett aufgeschmissen. Rechnungswesen wollte ich verschieben weil ich da auch nicht gut mitkam… bwl und die anderen fächer würde ich versuchen zu schreiben. ich habe beim lernen das gefühl das ich spät angefangen habe zu lernen und ich niemals alles aufholen kann. Mir vergeht so die lust am studieren und der stress tut mir irgendwie nicht gut. Ich weiss nicht wie ich damit umgehen soll ich verstehe einfach vieles nicht und weiss nicht wie ich die Klausuren nun schaffen soll. Ich finde das System in der Uni angenehmer als in der Schule aber es bringt natürlich auch nachteile mit sich aus diesem Grund möchte ich auch eigentlich keine Ausbildungs etc machen.Wird das alles besser? was kann ich tun ? ging es euch genauso bitte um hilfe und rat ich kann das alles nicht mehr
Economic engineering is one of the most demanding degree programs and the demolition rate is very high. Apparently, that’s how I was told by a buddy, that’s just a study program for freaks (quote, Sorry). I don’t think that’s gonna be better. Personally, I did an education and still went my way. You have to decide if you’re happy, that’s what I’m thinking in life. If you’re so sorry about your studies, you’ll just look at it for a semester, but if that’s nothing for you, orient yourself. You can also study later with an education, but you have a trump in your pocket due to the completed training. If it is also an education that has to do with it, you will also be much easier when studying.
It’s hard to start. You’ve underestimated the time spent, that’s how many first semesters go. To be overwhelmed, not to understand much and not to be able to estimate the exam design is also normal. Don’t do it now, because it won’t keep you.
Even though some people have probably told you that you should never put exams, it will be most likely your way out. Healthy stress is usually beneficial for larger learning projects, but if the stress is overhanded, and the achievement of the target is now completely unrealistic, stress is the opposite. That’s why you think about what clauses you want to push.
When I read it correctly, it’s mainly Mathe1 and Statistics, which gives you great concern. Mathe1 will probably follow Mathe2 in the next semester. If you shoot Mathe1, it’ll be your fault next semester. Statistics is also important, but in my experience, in the first 4 semesters, where it is virtually just about basics, it is still somewhat unnecessary. Try to prepare and write at least one of the difficult modules. Modules where you came along well and have already been prepared do not push in any case.
It usually gets better, but not like magic. You have to do something for that. Once you’ve written a few exams and at best you’ve gone to the exam view, you’ll eventually know how the rabbit runs and can adjust your learning behavior and your methods to the requirements.
Don’t let you go. Experience has shown that the subjects you talk about are those where many students have problems. That doesn’t mean you won’t come along in the other semesters. Unfortunately, you’re gonna have to beat this up, but it’s gonna be harder, I can’t confirm. At least my experience. I had the advantage, however, that I had many of the topics already in training and thus already had practical experience. In addition, the burdensome topics were more and more than any theories.
Get up! That’s what many people have done before you, so you can do it.
many thanks:/ someone said in the answers I would have missed etc. Think I would still be able to pick up statistics and math until february me stress the time pressure
I’m thinking about these modules you need a click moment at some point. So the time when you can see that the subject is understandable. I’m sure you can do that in time. Would recommend you to approach the subject again with other methods. So instead of just looking bluntly into the script, watching YouTube videos on the topic, using another book and sharing you with communicators. Certainly, it is as you and if you work together, it can be helpful. Of course, everything depends on your own learningyp.
If you’re weakening in the first semester, you’ll get big problems in the future. Self-discipline and time management are the A and O in their studies. The exam dates are already visible at the beginning of the semester, there is no talk about it, you’ve failed. Hopefully this is a lesson for you
Better? No! The first two years are more kindergarten. The further you do the more you expect you to work independently. So you have to plan your own learning times daily and stick to them. Otherwise you have the problem as now. Too much content in too little time. But you get to know the lecturers through time and realize what they expect from one.
so with us, in the first and second sester, the most difficult föchers are and are sorted out