Studium und job?
Hi ich hab eine Frage bzw. oder auch zwei. Also wenn man studiert, wie verdient man dann Geld, also kann man währenddessen Geld verdienen? Wenn ja wo? Möchte Medizin studieren und hab dann ja viel zu finanzieren und da das Studium Minimum 15 Jahre geht…
It only lasts six years. Googled it.
Oh, okay, but I’d make a further training a surgeon. Anyway, how am I supposed to finance this?
Don’t you get a bafög? If it’s your initial training, your parents are financially responsible. If they don’t have money, there should be bafög. You would have to work in the evening or at the weekend. It’s hard.
All clear thanks
You just have to fund the first years.
After the state exam, you’re a pretty good doctor. In the “second” part of the training work and you already deserve.
Ah ok thank you
As long as you have the time you can do any x-popular job
Ah ok thank you
Hello – you can look for a job by the way, e.g. in gastro, remedies, suppliers, network marketing.
Thank you.
You can work what you want by the way.
Thank you.