Studium Österreich oder Niederlande?

Würdet ihr eher empfehlen in Österreich (Wien) oder den Niederlanden zu studieren.

(Ich möchte internationale Rechtswissenschaften studieren). In den Niederlanden wäre die Nähe zu den ganzen UN/EU Institutionen und dem Strafgerichtshof ja ganz gut.

Was meint ihr?

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2 months ago

The close proximity to the institutions does not bring much if the staff does not teach there or there are opportunities for internships. This will not be the case everywhere in the Netherlands.

Vienna, by the way, is a large UN seat and hosts many international institutions, including the EU.

Look at where the focus of the studies is, and whether it fits your professional goals at all.

The study of international law at the Viennese Juridicum, for example, is intended to authorise classical legal professions: accordingly, you will learn a lot of Austrian law, the international part will be added. Like that in the Netherlands, you’ll have to find out.

2 months ago

I would do it more in Austria, for several reasons. You dominate the language, the geography of Austria is beautiful, you will surely find friends and can do a lot there.