Studium nach Stadt oder Studiengang?
Ich möchte Grundschullehramt studieren. Die Studiengänge in den einzelnen Bundesländern sind aber total unterschiedlich. Würdet ihr eher die Stadt wählen in der euch der Studiengang bestmöglich qualifiziert oder würdet ihr an eure Wunschuni gehen, aber dafür in ein Bundesland ziehen mit vergleichsweise schlechtem Bildungssystem ?
At the Teaching Office, I would focus primarily on working and living in the federal state where I am studying.
Otherwise, I believe that it is not very useful to have decided on a specific study programme if it is only offered in a city where you cannot afford a living.
Since the German university landscape is more oriented towards offering good teaching everywhere, I would not worry about whether a university has a good reputation. The teaching will be at least adequate and the study will work there no matter where it is.
This depends on many circumstances.
Both do not do anything if you don’t feel comfortable there but also make compromises if in the city there is not what you want to study then select another city
I suppose the places are all in the same federal state? As far as I know, in the case of course courses, it also depends on where you want to work or keep your lecturer.
It is actually about different federal states. There is a very good course of study, but not in the federal state that I would like to draw 🙁
Then I would involve the place of study at least far above my considerations; you may then be bound to the federal state for a certain time when you study.
First choose the course, DANN the city.
After studying, you can find out the city.
It doesn’t make sense. A city does not qualify anything but the educational institution.
🥹 The study course in the form is not everywhere